吸血鬼日記》季終第23集中,高中畢業(yè)日終于到來。Caroline收到一份令她感動的畢業(yè)禮物,吸血鬼以我選擇了一份你會接受的禮物。[/cn] [en]Tyler is now free to return to Mystic falls.[/en][cn]泰勒現(xiàn)在可以回到神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)了。[/cn] [en]He is your first love, I intend to be your last one. However long it takes.[/en][cn]他是你的第一個男人,而我想做你最后一個,無論等多久。[/cn] [en]Congratulations , Caroline.[/en][cn]恭喜你畢業(yè),卡羅琳。[/cn] ——————————————————————————————————————— 看了這段表白相信大家都心花怒放了吧。跟著模仿一下,既可以練習口語,還能提高你的表白能力哦!
出現(xiàn)過的演員也經(jīng)常會客串其他熱播美劇,比如:ABC家庭頻道的《美少女的謊言》。[/cn] Torrey DeVitto [en]The Vampire Diaries: Dr. Meredith Fell (Seasons 3 and 4)[/en][cn]在《吸血鬼日記》第三和第四季中扮演Meredith Fell醫(yī)生。[/cn] [en]Pretty Little Liars: Melissa Hastings (Seasons 1 - 4)[/en][cn]在《美少女的謊言》1-4季中扮演
通了微博,與國內(nèi)的粉絲們親密互動。《滬江專訪》近期將推出Ian Somerhalder獨家采訪,敬請拭目以待! 點擊查看伊恩?薩默海爾德個人簡介>>> 【關(guān)于伊恩?薩默海爾德】 [en]Ian Somerhalder (born December 8, 1978) is an American actor and model, best known for playing Boone Carlyle in the TV drama Lost and Damon Salvatore in the TV drama The Vampire Diaries. Somerhalder was born and raised in Covington, Louisiana, the son of Edna, a massage?[w]therapist[/w], and Robert Somerhalder, an independent building[w]contractor[/w].He attended St. Paul's, a private?[w]Catholic[/w]?school in Covington. He embarked on a modeling career from age 10 to 13,and by the age of 17 he decided to go into acting.[/en][cn]美國演員、模特Ian Somerhalder出生于1978年12月8日,因飾演電視劇《迷失》中的Boone Carlyle和《吸血鬼日記》中的Damon Salvatore而廣吸血鬼日記》中飾演哥哥Damon的Ian Somerhalder自從去年12月陪伴吸血鬼為人知。他生長于路易斯安那州的科溫頓市,母親Edna是一名按摩治療師,父親Robert Somerhalder是一名獨立建筑承包商。Ian曾就讀當?shù)厮搅⑻熘鹘虒W校圣保羅,并從10歲到13歲間從事模特事業(yè)。17歲時,他決定從事表演工作。[/cn] [en]In June 2009 Somerhalder was cast in the role of Vampire Damon Salvatore as a series regular in The CW television drama series The Vampire Diaries. The series?[w]premiere[/w]attracted The CW's highest premiere ratings of any season premiere since the network began in 2006. The series has continued to be the highest rated series on its channel with both Somerhalder's performance and show receiving a positive response from critics. Somerhalder has received a Teen Choice Award for his participation on the series. [/en][cn]2009年6月,Somerhalder被挑中,在CW電視臺常規(guī)節(jié)目《吸血鬼日記》出演吸血鬼Damon Salvatore。該劇首次播放時,就吸引了自2006年以來最高的首集收視。這部電視劇也保持成為該頻道最熱的電視劇,無論是Somerhalder的個人表演還是電視劇本身,都收獲了評論界的好評。他還因此角色獲得了青少年選擇獎。[/cn] [en]In September 2011, Somerhalder said that he and Nina Dobrev were "in a relationship".[/en][cn]2011年9月,Somerhalder公開了他和Nina Dobrev的戀人關(guān)系。[/cn]
吸血鬼日記:第一季第六集(3) Elena&Stefan
很好? Stefan:不,不,哪件都不好。我都知道。 Elena:除了你和Damon 還有其他的吸血鬼嗎? Stefan: Mystic Falls沒有了,不吸血鬼再有了。 Elena:再也不會有了? Stefan:曾經(jīng)這個城鎮(zhèn)...有很多吸血鬼。結(jié)局不太好,所以你千萬不能告訴別人 Elena:我不能保證。 Stefan:Elena...給我今天的時間,我會回答你所有的問題,然后你可以決定你要怎么做。一切由你決定。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
狼人好上拉!他們就是《歡樂合唱團》的Tina(珍娜·烏什克維茲 Jenna Ushkowitz)和《吸血鬼日記》中的狼人Tyler(邁克爾·特瑞威諾 Michael Trevino)! 這對幸福的小情侶一同參吸血鬼日加了1月30日在洛杉磯舉行的2011年演員工會獎的頒獎禮。在頒獎禮后的雞尾酒派對上,邁克爾和迪安娜·阿格隆、小哈里·沙姆、娜亞·里維拉、凱文·馬克哈爾、克里斯·柯爾弗、艾波爾·萊利以及寇德·歐沃斯崔等Glee眾一起度過了愉快的夜晚。 “他們整個晚上都很友愛,并且對于他們的關(guān)系并不覺得害羞?!币粋€目擊者說,“邁克爾非常喜歡珍娜,你真的能從他們的相處狀態(tài)中看出來。”上周末,兩人還在拉斯維加斯的夜店The Bank為娜亞·里維拉慶祝了24歲的生日。他被人目擊,在舞池中,用手環(huán)繞著珍娜。
2011-02-08 -
吸血鬼日記最新預告 艾琳娜要付出代價
吸血鬼日記:第一季第四集(4) Elena&Stefan
望你也會那樣。 Stefan:我明白。謝了。 Elena:可事實是,Stefan……我對你知之甚少。我很希吸血鬼日記】第一季望你能對我敞開一切。 Stefan: Damon多嘴了,是嗎?他總是喜歡玩詭計惹是生非,Elena。 Elena:這不關(guān)Damon的事,是我渴望想要了解你。你是個神秘的男孩,我喜歡這點。但不喜歡神秘成了秘密,尤其關(guān)于Katherine的事。 Stefan:過去不要再提了,我不想談這個。 Elena:好,那就說些關(guān)于你的,什么都行。要不我就不得不聽信流言蜚語了。 Stefan:你沒看清楚Damon在干嘛嗎?他企圖讓你離開我。 Elena:現(xiàn)在,我想他如愿以償了。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
破了吸血鬼的詛咒,那將會讓狼人永遠處在他們的詛咒中,狼人們將吸血鬼日會在每個月月圓之夜經(jīng)受變身折磨。[/cn] [en]Klaus' arrival sets events in [wv]motion[/wv] for the sacrifice [wv]ritual[/wv] -- which requires the [wv]demise[/wv] of vampire, a witch, a werewolf, and of course, Elena -- on the night of the full moon. [/en][cn]要破除吸血鬼所受的詛咒就要進行祭祀儀式——儀式將會在一個月圓之夜進行,屆時將會需要吸血鬼的死亡、巫師和狼人當然還有Elena,[/cn]
我們透露說“當Greta發(fā)現(xiàn)父親和哥哥都死在了神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)的吸血鬼手上當然會很生氣?!币簿褪钦fDamon和Stefan要小心了![/cn] [en]“Greta is not someone you want to mess with,” Lisa tells us, though she won’t say whether or not Greta presents herself as a friend or [w]foe[/w] to the Salvatore brothers. “ She’s very powerful.”[/en][cn]“Greta不會是那種你想親近的那種人,”Lisa說,雖然她不愿透露在劇中自己的角色和Salvatore兄弟們是敵是友?!八牧α亢軓姶蟆!盵/cn] [en]Lisa, who has appeared on everything from American Idol to 90210, says the supernatural element of her Vampire Diaries role is totally new to her — but she loves it.[/en][cn]之前在《美國偶像》和《新飛躍比佛利》里都有出色表現(xiàn)的Lisa說,這次《吸血鬼日記》中自己角色身上的超自然力量對她來說是一種全新的元素——但是她很喜歡這種神秘力量的感覺。[/cn] [en]“I did a lot of practicing in front of the mirror,” she says about preparing to play Greta. “I needed to get my hand [w]motion[/w]s right.”[/en][cn]“我在鏡子前練習了很多次,”提到自己扮演Greta這個角色之前做的準備時,她說?!拔业帽WC手勢要絕對正確?!盵/cn] [en]Regardless of whether Greta ends up being an ally or an enemy, I think it’s safe to say we’ll all enjoy her character..”[/en][cn]不論Greta最終是正派還是反派,我相信最終我們都能享受她的角色給我們帶來的樂趣。[/cn]
美國驚現(xiàn)現(xiàn)實版吸血鬼 29歲女子嗜血成性
[en]The current season of TLC's hit show My Strange Addiction has [w=portray]portrayed[/w] a variety of [w]wacky[/w] obsessions, including a man in love with his [w]inflatable[/w] toys and a woman who eats beauty products.[/en][cn]在美國學習頻道(TLC: The Learning Channel)熱播的紀實節(jié)目《我的怪癖》講述各種各樣古怪的嗜好,例如:一個男人愛上充氣娃娃、一個女人愛吃化妝品等。[/cn] [en]But the finale [w]episode[/w] could be the weirdest one yet - because it features a [w]tattoo[/w] artist whose addiction is drinking a liter of blood every day.[/en][cn]但當季的大結(jié)局可能是最奇怪的一期——它講述了一個紋身藝術(shù)家對血的獨特嗜好,她每天要喝一公升的血。[/cn] [en]Michelle, 29, has been downing pig's blood since she was a teenager, and now says she cannot be in a good mood without it.[/en][cn]米歇爾29歲,她從青少年時期就開始飲用豬血,現(xiàn)在更是無血不歡。[/cn] [en]'Blood is as important as water to me,' she says during her appearance on the show.[/en][cn]在節(jié)目上她表示,血對于她來說和水一樣重要。[/cn] [en]'I like to drink blood when I'm reading, when I'm relaxing, when I'm watching TV, when I'm painting,' she explains. 'There's never a bad time for me to drink blood.'[/en][cn]她說:“我喜歡在讀書、放松、看電視或畫畫時喝血。當我喝血的時候,心情會很好?!盵/cn] [en]The Lancaster, California native's addiction is so severe that she says she cannot start her day without a [w]sip[/w] of blood.[/en][cn]這位來自加利福尼亞州蘭開斯特的女士的血癮是如此之嚴重,她每天都要抿上一口血才能開始正常的生活。[/cn] [en]'I drink it and I get?[w=energize]energized[/w],' she says of the liquid.[/en][cn]她說:“飲血讓我充滿了力量?!盵/cn] [en]While most people might be disgusted by the idea, Michelle says it is in fact very similar to drinking wine.[/en][cn]可能大部分人都會被她這一嗜好惡心到,米歇爾卻說其實這就像在喝葡萄酒。[/cn] [en]'It definitely has the same?[w]ambiance[/w],' she says.[/en][cn]她說:“這感覺其實是一樣的?!盵/cn] [en]And rather than finding the taste repulsive she considers it comforting, saying: 'When I feel it going down my throat, it's like having a cold and drinking a hot toddy.'[/en][cn]米歇爾非但沒覺得血的味道惡心,反而覺得喝起來很舒服,她說:“當血滑過喉嚨,那感覺就像是感冒時喝了杯熱甜酒?!盵/cn] [en]If she doesn't get her daily fix, Michelle says: 'I get irritable without it, I get angry, I don't want to leave my house - I want my blood.'[/en][cn]要是有天她沒能喝上一點血會如何,米歇爾如此回答:“不喝的話我會急躁、發(fā)怒,都不想出門了,我只想喝點血?!盵/cn] [en]She calculates that she has drunk a total of 1,000 gallons of blood since she first took up her habit ten years ago, which TLC notes is enough of the liquid to fill a bathtub 23 times.[/en][cn]自從10年前第一次有了這個習慣后,米歇爾算了下自己總共已經(jīng)喝掉1000加侖(約3785升)血,學習頻道表示這些量都夠裝23浴缸了。[/cn]