• 吸血鬼記】第二第八集(2)Bonnie&Jeremy

    生了情愫!! 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... [color=tomato]TIPS:今天的聽寫總共有六空,其中第二三空有兩句話,第五空有三句話。 witchcraft: 巫術;魔法[/color] -Jeremy: Here. Drink this. -Bonnie: Thanks. -Jeremy: Ohh. What happened? _________1____________ -Bonnie: It's nothing. -Jeremy: It wasn't nothing, Bonnie. -Bonnie:_______2____________ -Jeremy: When I'm worn down, I take a nap. You were... you were unconscious. -Bonnie: ________3___________ -Jeremy: How do you know all this? -Bonnie: It's all in here. It's like a reminder that I'm not invincible. Please, don't, don't tell anyone. -Jeremy: Why not? -Bonnie:_______4__________ -Jeremy: By certain people, you mean Damon. -Bonnie: I mean anyone that could hurt me. -Jeremy: I won't tell anyone, OK? I promise. -Bonnie: It's hard, you know? _______5__________ -Jeremy: ________6_________ Uh, you... you think that worked? -Bonnie: I have no idea. 能拿高高的正確率、多多的滬元、還能聽到純正的美語、回憶當年看吸血鬼日記的點點滴滴、又學習了英語,多好的節(jié)目丫!快來訂閱吧! 吸血鬼迷們創(chuàng)建的群:111354855,歡迎喜愛該劇的滬友加入哈~~ You scared the hell out of me. I've been doing a lot of magic lately. It wears me down. Witchcraft has its limits. If I push too hard, it pushes back. Because it's a weakness, and I don't want certain people to know that. My grandma is gone, and my dad, he doesn't want to know about what I am. He hasn't since my mom left. I'm all alone in this. That's how I feel a lot of the time, alone. -Jeremy:給你喝點水吧。 -Bonnie:謝謝 。 -Jeremy:哦,怎么回事? 你把我嚇壞了。 -Bonnie:沒事。 -Jeremy:Bonnie 怎么會沒事。 -Bonnie:最近我用了太多巫術。累

  • 吸血鬼記》小女巫Kat 動感MV Wanna Say ——酷勁十足

    滬江英樂:美國女演員兼歌手,舞者,模特的Katerina Graham也是熱門電視劇《吸血鬼記》的演員,如今又發(fā)歌了,新歌Wanna say出自去年發(fā)行的EP Wanna say(Remixes),與我們平時在電視劇中看到的不同,這次Kat在MV中化身妖冶舞姬,時而妖嬈,時而酷感十足,炫光滿滿,魅力無限,快來看看這支動感的MV吧! 【《吸血鬼記》小女巫Kat 動感MV Wanna Say——酷勁十足】 歌詞: Tonight I'm gonna Throw my past away Tonight I'm gonna Live like my last day It makes

  • 吸血鬼記】第二第十九集(2)Elena&Elijah

    tribal etchings. ________________2_______________ -Elena:But why? -Elijah:________________3________________ -Elena:So it's not Aztec at all? -Elijah:________________4_______________ It doesn't exist. -Elena:What? 能拿高高的正確率、多多的滬元、還能聽到純正的美語、回憶當年看吸血鬼記的點點滴滴、又學習了英語,多好的節(jié)目丫!快來訂閱吧!     吸血鬼迷們創(chuàng)建的群:111354855

  • 《初代吸血鬼》S1E6:"親密無間"怎么說?

    看了海豚和小丑的表演,簡直高興極了。[/cn] 5.Thick-as-thieves ? [en]As usual,they'll be thick as thieves.[/en][cn]所以,一如既往地,他們還會變得非常親密。[/cn] 當狼女Hayley問R妹子Rebecca,Klaus和Marcel之間會怎么樣時,R妹子則說Klaus和Marcel還是會十分親密。 Thick-as-thieves,是習慣用語。我們都知道: Thieves就是偷東西的盜賊,thieves是復數(shù),它的單數(shù)是:thief。盡管thick-as-thieves里有thieves,但是它的意思和偷東西毫無關系。Thick-as-thieves的意思:和某

  • CW公布秋劇集回歸期表 吸血鬼記等美劇10月回歸

    [en]Here's the full premiere schedule for The CW. All times are Eastern/Pacific, with new shows in bold.[/en][cn]以下是完整版的CW秋劇首播時間表。表內已標出新劇和播出的東部時間。[/cn] Monday, Oct. 7 8 p.m. "Hart of Dixie" (new timeslot) 9 p.m. "Beauty and the Beast" (new timeslot) Wednesday, Oct. 9 8 p.m. "Arrow" 9 p.m.

  • 保羅?韋斯利在上海——“吸血鬼紳士”的中國首秀

    通了微博與國內的粉絲們親密互動。這次應粉絲堂邀請來華的保羅·韋斯利在召開粉絲見面會之后,相信他在國內的人氣將進一步飚升。隨著《吸血鬼日記》在騰訊視頻上的熱播,冷艷絕倫的吸血鬼女王Elena、好好先生的弟弟Stefan和看似放蕩不羈內心卻柔軟的哥哥Damon三者的微妙關系也將日漸明朗。究竟女王更愛誰?觀眾們眾說紛紜。 【關于保羅·韋斯利】 保羅·韋斯利(Paul Wesley)是一位波蘭裔美國演員及制片人,因出演熱播美劇《吸血鬼日記》中吸血鬼的本性嗜血正直善良的Stefan Salvatore一角而名聲鶴起。保羅憑借他嫻熟的演技,獨特的憂郁氣質,偶爾透露出的幽默陽光,以及棱角分明的俊朗外表,成為了一位極受歡迎的吸血鬼王子。其在過去十幾年的演藝生涯里亦有很多令人難忘的角色。如今,保羅·韋斯利的杰出表現(xiàn)已使他成為了好萊塢最炙手可熱的男演員之一。 【關于粉絲堂】 粉絲堂()是國際一線藝人及體育明星零距離交流的一站式互動社交平臺,現(xiàn)已逾百余位全球知名體育及娛樂明星重磅加入,并不斷擴大。目前已經(jīng)入駐粉絲堂的明星包括:《吸血鬼日記》女主角Nina Dobrev,男主角Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Daniel Gillies;《緋聞女孩》男主角Chace Crawford;搖滾小天后艾薇兒;吉他“男巫”Jason Mraz;R&B天后Alicia Keys;拉丁歌后Shakira;流行樂巨星 Justin Timberlake;美國偶像超人氣歌星Adam Lambert,Kelly Clarkson;時尚女王帕麗斯希爾頓等。

  • 吸血鬼記》Caroline演員自曝和未婚夫相識相戀過程

    吸血鬼日在她仍然沉浸在訂婚祝福帶來的愉悅之中。[/cn] [en]"I can't even think about [the wedding] yet," the Vampire Diaries star, 26, told PEOPLE. "We're just enjoying the engagement with our friends and family right now."[/en][cn]“我現(xiàn)在還沒想結婚的事情,”這位26歲的《吸血鬼日記》女星接受《人物》雜志采訪時說?!拔覀冇喕檫@件事讓我的家人朋友包括我們自己都很開心?!盵/cn] [en]Accola, who is the new face of the melon liqueur brand, met fiancé Joseph King (guitarist for the band The Fray) two

  • 吸血鬼日記》:小狼人Tyler月圓之時回歸 盤點劇情看點

    [en]Fans of "The Vampire Diaries" have been missing Tyler (Michael Trevino) since he drove off into the sunset in a February episode, but Tyler will be back in town just in time for the next Mystic Falls full moon.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》的粉絲們都思念在2月份離開神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)的狼人小帥哥Tyler了吧,不過大家不用心急,在神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)的下一個月圓之夜我們就會看到Tyler回歸嘍。[/cn] [en]Though Tyler's return won't come as much of a surprise now, [w]plenty[/w] of questions still remain.[/en][cn]雖然Tyler的回歸是我們都能料想到的,但是我們仍然有很多問題想要知道答案。[/cn] [en]Since the full moon is [w=confirm]confirmed[/w], we can't help but wonder if we'll see yet another big [wv]transformation[/wv] scene. The morph is supposed to get quicker and less painful every time it happens, but we have a feeling Tyler still isn't yet used to the [wv]agony[/wv]. Trevino shared with us that the transformation was the "hardest, most challenging" acting experience of his TV career.[/en][cn]既然月圓之夜將要來到,那么Tyler的變身在所難免。雖然變身的時間會逐漸間斷,痛苦也會慢慢減輕,但是我們仍然能感覺到Tyler仍然被變身的痛苦困擾著。Trevino告訴我們說變身戲是他從演以來“最難也是最具挑戰(zhàn)”的演出經(jīng)歷。[/cn] [en]We're also curious as to what [wv]impact[/wv] Tyler's time away has had on him. In Mystic Falls time, he'll have been gone less than a month, but we can't imagine that quality time with the near-feral Jules can be a positive influence on a kid.[/en][cn]我們還想了解Tyler離開的這些時間里,他都發(fā)生了哪些變化。雖然他在劇中才離開神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)不到一個月,但是我們相信在這段并不太長的時間里,他必定會受到Jules的影響。[/cn] [en]We can't wait to see his first scenes with Caroline (Candice Accola). Plus, now that his former BFF Matt (Zach Roerig) knows about the vampires -- finally -- will Tyler fill him in on the whole werewolf thing, too?[/en][cn]我們想快點看吸血鬼日到他和Caroline重逢的畫面。另一方面他曾經(jīng)的好哥們Matt已經(jīng)知道了吸血鬼的存在——那么最終——Tyler會把狼人的事情也和盤托出嗎?[/cn] 《吸血鬼日記》回歸集將會在北京時間4月8號播出。4月8號回歸集預告片:

  • 吸血鬼記】第二第五集(5) Caroline’s motherⅠ

    呆了... 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!今天第一空有5小句,其中Elena!算一句哈!第二空也有兩句話哈~~ -Agent Forbes: ______1_______ -Elena: ______2______ -Policeman: _____3_____ -Agent Forbes: _______4_______ -Policeman: What the... -Caroline: Hi, mom. 能拿高高的正確率、多多的滬元、還能聽到純正的美語、回憶當年看吸血鬼日記的點點滴滴、又學習了英語,多好的節(jié)目丫!快來訂閱吧! 吸血鬼迷們創(chuàng)建的群:111354855,歡迎喜愛該劇的滬友加入哈~~ Let's do this. Each with a stake in the heart, then burn them both. Check it out. Elena! What are you doing? You can't kill them. I'm not gonna let you. What was that? Who else is with you? -Agent Forbes:動手吧先用木樁釘住,再點火燒了他們。你去看看

  • 看《吸血鬼記》學英語第一第2集:陪你一起看彗星(附歌單)

    沒有人看到了Vicki; Elena 因為Jeremy 的行為跟他起沖突的時候:"Mud" by Peaches Matt 感謝 Stefan找