搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 吸血鬼記》官方解釋:拿命博來的Cure到底是個什么東西

    死癥。他所藏的位置是同Silas一樣的,只能被Hunter身上的地圖所發(fā)現(xiàn),當?shù)貓D完成后,它會顯示一個法術(shù),可以挖掘出Silas 和 Cure。但是,就像教授Shane說的,只能由Bennett女巫才能施展這個法術(shù),因為他們是Qetsiyah女巫的后代。教授Shane透露,他已經(jīng)知道了Cure的位置,但仍需要Hunter的完整標記。雖然可以治愈不死癥,但克勞斯推測,這可能意味著他們的死亡。這是因為,在書中寫到,他們的身體不能夠補償?shù)牟凰赖臅r間,他們是吸血鬼。Galen Vaughn所揭示,Cure只有一個劑量。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》Caroline8句經(jīng)典臺詞 教你8個做人道理(1)

    [en]It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved.[/en][cn]對那些討厭我的人好,對我來說太難了。我思想境界沒那么高?!?span style="color: #fe6016">吸血鬼日記》第一季16集[/cn] [en]With her own take on "Haters gonna hate," Caroline demonstrated a surprising level of self-awareness. Giving the cold shoulder might not be the most "[w=evolve]evolved[/w]" thing to do, but simply put: there are some relationships that can never be fixed. Why bother repeatedly demeaning yourself in hopes of a happy ending that will never come? Just cut your losses and move on.[/en][cn]Caroline對于“討厭你的人就是討厭你”的理解驚人的深刻。冷淡對待對不喜歡你的人雖然不是最好的方式,但是也很明顯的表明了自己的態(tài)度:這段關(guān)系是沒法修補的了。沒必要對沒可能發(fā)生的結(jié)果充滿希望,受折磨的只會是你自己。遇到這種情況,就該放下該放下的,繼續(xù)你的人生吧。[/cn]

  • 《初代吸血鬼》S1E2&E3:讓過去隨風飄

    句話:[en]Whoever saw her here ratted her out.[/en][cn]不管是誰看到她,就是誰出賣了她。[/cn]而Rat這個單詞不只是指“老鼠”而已,它吸血鬼還有“叛徒,告密者”的意思,甚至還可以當做動詞,指“背叛,告密”,rat someone out就是“出賣某人”,而這下場可是會像老鼠一樣,人人喊打呢。 請看例句: [en]——“Do you always rat out your friends that quickly?”Jimmy says.[/en][cn]Jimmy質(zhì)問道:“你經(jīng)常這么快就把朋友出賣了嗎?”[/cn] 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考,如有不妥之處,歡迎指正

  • 吸血鬼記:第一第十九集(1) Elena&Stefan


  • 吸血鬼記》Caroline8句經(jīng)典臺詞 教你8個做人道理(3)

    [en]What's the rush? Why are you hurrying to get to a relationship that'll never work?[/en][cn]有什么好急的?這感情不會有結(jié)果的,你何必呢?——《吸血鬼記》第二第四集[/cn] [en]Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you want a relationship to work. If it doesn't have a realistic future (like a vampire being with a human), why bother when the ending will only hurt that much more?[/en][cn]有時候一段感情的發(fā)展不在于你多么想它能順利的走下去。如果這段感情擁有一個美好未來不現(xiàn)實的話,那么當它結(jié)束時又為什么要煩惱呢?因為這段感情只會給你帶來痛苦。[/cn]

  • 看美劇聽好歌:《吸血鬼記》Caroline唱給Matt的歌《Eternal flame》

    在《吸血鬼日記》S02E16中,Caroline為了向Matt表達自己對他的真愛,勇敢地走上臺為Matt深情演唱了這首由Bangles演唱的《Eternal Flame》。相信那個溫馨感人的場景會成為《吸血鬼記》中繼Elena和Damon跳舞之后的又一讓人難忘的歌舞畫面。今天就讓我們來欣賞一下這首《Eternal Flame》的原唱版本。當然小編也為大家準備了Caroline的演唱版本(喜歡Caroline版本的請戳這兒)。 歌詞送上: close your eyes, give me your hand, darling do you feel my heart [w]beating

  • 吸血鬼記》眾演員為美國運動員加油!Damon送香吻!

    [en]If there's anything America loves more than vampires right now, it's Olympic champion [w]gymnast[/w] Gabby Douglas -- who just happens to be a huge "Vampire Diaries" fan! Lucky for Gabby, the vampires are big fans of hers, too.[/en][cn]要說現(xiàn)在美國人愛什么更甚《吸血鬼日記》那就只有他們的奧運體操冠軍Gabby Douglas了——而她也正好是《吸血鬼日記》的粉絲!恭喜Gabby正巧本劇的吸血鬼們也都很喜歡她![/cn] [en]Last week, "Vampire Diaries" stars Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Claire Holt, Michael Trevino, and Paul Wesley got together to make Gabby and Team USA a very special congratulations video -- and they even took time to wish Gabby and teammate Aly Raisman good luck in their competitions on Tuesday. [/en][cn]就在上周《吸血鬼日記》演員Nina Dobrev、Ian Somerhalder、Claire Holt、Michael Trevino和Paul wesley聚在一起為美國隊運動員Gabby錄制了一段祝賀視頻——當然他們也希望Gabby和她的隊友Aly Raisman能夠在周二的比賽中拿到冠軍![/cn] [en]Is that just the sweetest thing you've ever seen?[/en][cn]這是不是你見過最貼心的事情?[/cn] [en]Gabby recently tweeted "TVD" executive producer Julie Plec, hinting that she'd love a guest appearance on her favorite show when she gets back to the States. "You let us know when you're free and we'll see what we can do!" Plec replied.[/en][cn]最近Gabby在推特上跟該劇的執(zhí)行制片Julie Plec說,希望自己回到美國之后也能吸血鬼有幸到《吸血鬼日記》來客串一次。Julie Plec回復說:“你告訴我們你什么時候有時間,我們看看可以怎么做!”[/cn] 滬江小編:小編輯記得《吸血鬼日記》女主Elena的扮演者Nina之前貌似也是練體操的...如果奧運體操冠軍來TVD客串,這怎么樣也要讓兩個人秀秀絕技吧!?。『眉觺\(≧▽≦)/~

  • 《初代吸血鬼》等新劇再加3集

    ,而《風中女王》甚至還沒開播。不過雖然增訂3集,不過這3部劇都還沒有被滿集續(xù)訂(一般秋劇滿集續(xù)訂會有23集)。[/cn] [en]The second episode of the "The Originals," paired with long-running drama "Supernatural," gave The CW its most-watched Tuesday in four years, while "The Tomorrow People" had a solid debut on Wednesday with 2.3 million viewers.[/en][cn]《初代吸血鬼》第二在CW長壽劇《邪惡力量》后跟播,這兩部劇共同創(chuàng)造了CW電視臺四年來收視最高的一個周二。周三首播的《未來青年》則收獲了230萬觀眾。[/cn]

  • 《初代吸血鬼》:Klaus會成怎樣的爸爸?

    到了《初代吸血鬼》的主演Joseph Morgan、Clair Holt和Phoebe Tonkin,他們透露了這部正在籌備的科幻劇的一些劇情。[/cn] [en]We can’t even begin to imagine what Klaus will do to protect his child, particularly because Morgan claims Klaus is still the antagonist, and he won’t be softening anytime soon.[/en][cn]我們簡直無法想象Klaus會怎樣保護自己的孩子,特別是在有敵人存在的情況下,短時間內(nèi)Klaus的日子過的不會太輕松。[/cn] [en]What he will be doing, however, is thinking up baby names. Morgan’s suggestion? Beetroot Cyborg Mikaelson.[/en][cn]Klaus還會給孩子絞盡腦汁地想個名字。Morgan想Klaus的孩子叫什么名字呢?他覺得Beetroot Cybrg Mikaelson這個名字就不錯。[/cn] [en]Tonkin, on the other hand, didn’t have any baby names in mind just yet. Rather, she was more focused on the dangerous situation Hayley will find herself in during pregnancy.[/en][cn]而Tonkin似乎完全沒有把心思花

  • 吸血鬼記:第一第一集(6) 歸還

    Stefan 第一次到Elena家還她的日記,原來他們有一樣的習慣... 注意咯,今天的句子里 “I”都是和前面的單詞連讀的哦~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻 PS :不用標序號,一句一段哈~~ Stefan: Um, I thought you might want this back. Elena: Oh, I must have dropped it. I... thank you. Stefan: Don't worry, I didn't... Read it. Elena: No? Why not? ___1___ Stefan: Well, ___2____ Elena: ___3___ Stefan: Yeah, ___4___ Memories are too important. Elena: Yeah. Most people would have. I wouldn't want anyone to read mine. You keep a journal? if I don't write it down, I forget it. Stefan: 我想你應該想拿回這個。 Elena: 噢,我肯定是掉了,謝謝你!drop: 遺失 Stefan: 別擔心,我沒看! Elena: 沒看嗎?怎么沒看?大多數(shù)人都會看的。 Stefan: 我也不希望別人看我的記。 Elena: 你記記? journal: 記 Stefan: 對,我要是不記下來就會忘掉!記憶對我非常重要。 Elena: 沒錯。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>