《時代周刊》十大歌曲出爐!它們或熱力四射,或電音銷魂,或柔情滿溢,或饒舌驚艷…… 無論是哪一種音樂類型,進(jìn)來聽聽吧,看看有沒有你心中的年度TOP10!
10. Graublau
9. No Time to Think The Belle Brigade
8. Putin Lights Up the Fires Pussy Riot
7. Roman in Moscow Nicki Minaj
6. Bangarang Skrillex
5. Master of My Craft Parquet Courts
4. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Taylor Swift
3. Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen
2. Gangnam Style
1. Climax Usher