• 2022年9月英語六級作文:社會實踐

    2022年9月英語六級考試將在9月17日下午舉行,大家在考前一定要認真復習哦。今天小編為大家整理了2022年9月英語六級作文:社會實踐,希望對你有所幫助。 2022年9月英語六級作文:社會實踐 作文題目 a) 社會實踐的作用 b) 可能產生的問題 c) 提出建議 參考范 Social Practice Social practice has been more and more popular in universities and colleges. Students are asked to enter society and get some idea of it.

  • 僅剩一個多月,怎樣沖刺英語四級考試?

    作和翻譯更容易提分。 建議考生多聽真題里的聽力題,尤其是近幾次的聽力考題,反復聽,直到聽懂為止??梢韵让ぢ?,做完題之后再跟讀。可利用碎片時間多次反復聽。 聽力原文,考生如果可以認識且看懂90%以上,那么只要多聽多練,就會有很大的提升空間;如果有很多看不懂,那就還需要提升詞匯量及其他方面。 閱讀 閱讀也在考試中占比很大,考生要爭取拿高分。 閱讀真題,要買那種有全文翻譯、高頻詞匯小結、難句歸納的版本,有助于快速理解章和題目,且不必浪費寶貴的時間去一個單詞一個單詞地查詞典。 一篇閱讀文章,如果只有5個以內的生詞不會,那么可以利用上下文或構詞法(如: 詞根詞綴)去猜測會影響到答題的生詞的意思。如果有10個以上的生詞不會,那就說明需要去提高詞匯量了。 寫作和翻譯 考前可以記一記常用句型,多

  • 怎樣背英語單詞才高效?4個小竅門讓你不再abandon!

    將它歸到已知詞匯的大類中,在下次使用那些已經熟練掌握的詞匯前,不妨換用新詞,提高我們對單詞的運用能力。 如果你覺得自己聯(lián)想不到什么關聯(lián)詞匯,那么推薦大家使用lexipedia()這個網站。 網站里會用發(fā)散圖和列舉詞條的形式,給出所查詞匯的釋義及同義、近義、反義詞,能有助于你找到所需的聯(lián)想詞匯。 4. 詞根詞綴巧運用 最后一個小竅門,就是傳統(tǒng)的詞根詞綴記憶法了。 雖然很多人對這個方法不以為然,但不得不承認,詞根詞綴在英語這種單詞構成有規(guī)律的語言中,確實是一個系統(tǒng)性記憶單詞的好方法。 在學會了一個單詞的基礎上,通過詞根詞綴,就能衍生出直接相關的四五個單詞,進而發(fā)散地

  • 六級考試是先寫作文

    要是用來評定學生們英語能力。大學英語六級考試為我國大學生的英語水平提供了教學大綱的實施。下面小編為大家分享六級考試是先寫作文嗎?一起來看看吧! 一、六級考試是先寫作文嗎 六級考試是先寫作文,參加全國大學生英語六級考試時,考生需要按照答題要求,在監(jiān)考老師下發(fā)試卷之后,最先完成作文題目,作文是大學生英語六級試卷的第一部分考試內容,同時也是要求最先答題的第一部分內容。 英語四級考試的時間和流程如下 8:40 考生入場,核對聽力調頻并試音; 9:00 下發(fā)考試材料; 9:10 考試正式開始,考生開始作答作文; 9:35 監(jiān)考老師口頭提醒5分鐘后開始聽力考試; 9:40 聽力考試開始,考生注意及時填涂答題卡1; 10:10 聽力考試結束,監(jiān)考老師收回答題卡1; 10:15 考試繼續(xù)進行,考生完成閱讀理解和翻譯部分; 11:15 監(jiān)考老師口頭提示考生10分鐘后結束考試; 11:25 考試結束,監(jiān)考老師收回試題冊及答題卡2。 擴展資料 1、作文題目一般限時30分鐘內完成,在第25分鐘時,監(jiān)考老師會口頭提醒5分鐘后開始聽力考試,然后考生會進行聽力部分答題。聽力考試結束后,監(jiān)考老師將會及時回收答題卡1。因此建議考生在作答的時候,要注意答題順序與效率,及時填涂完答題卡1。 2、值得注意的是,在進行全國大學英語六級考試的時候,考生收到試卷時,不能第一時間翻任何卷面,試卷冊正面是《敬告考生》,其背面則是作文要求??忌?

  • 劍橋商務英語中級作文怎么寫

    可用正確的簡單句,也不用錯誤的復雜句。 2.第二題:寫一篇120-140字的商務信函、報告或建議書 應試技巧:仔細閱讀要求,先確定需要寫幾段,每段的目的是什么,注意每段表達一個話題??紤]各段的主要用詞。注意格式。稱呼要恰當,要和信后的客套結束語在文體上匹配,結尾要寫結束語。確定所有要點都包括在內。字數一定要控制在120-140以內,多字或少字都會扣分。 二、劍橋商務英語中級寫作范文 Dear Folks, We are having a wonderful time on Lake Gomey in Maine. There are so many things to do you just don’t know where to begin. You can sail the catboats all around the lake, and if you don't know how, Captian Billson can teach you. If you like speed, you can use of th out board motorboats, and you will feel as if you are flying And then there is fishing , tennis, and golf. There are lots of games in the big recreation room, and the young people dance every night. We expected to paya fortune when we first heard of Lake Gomey, but we find that it is one of the least expensive vacations we have ever spent. Why don’t you write to Mrs. Brown for the full details? You are sure to get the information you need and to have an ideal holiday there. 劍橋商務英語中級商務報告寫作范文 To: Jean Withrow From: Bob Stein Date:Aug.18,2004 Subject: Feasibility of Flexible Working Hours. This report concerns the feasibility of allowing workers to start and stop work ast the times that suit them best, a practice known as flex-time. Of course, we all understand that everyone would still wrok a total of 40 hours per week, as we do now. This idea of flexible working hours was first presented to the directors by some of our workers , many of whom have young children in school. The Personnnel Manager was asked to look into the question, and his study had two aspects. First, he looked at the experience of other companies, and second , he looked carefully at our own working arrangements. After studying flex-time arrangements at four similar companies, the Personnel Manager reported several advantages: Parents of school-age children were able to fit their work hours to those of their children, workers could choose to work during hours they could be most productive, and worker attitude improved because of more choice in work time. There were , however, some disadvantages as well: Sometimes there were not enough workers in some departmetn at crucial hours of the day, and it took a while to iron out confusion about schedules. Next, we asked all employees of our company to predict the hours they would probably choose to work. This information was then circulated to all heads of departmetn for comment. The department heads were asked to look in particular at possible problems and their solution. After studying all this information, a committee that included a representative from every department decided to try flex-time for a period of 3 months, starting April 1. At the end of that peroid, the committee will make a final decision. 特別提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英語方面知識,或者想要深入學習英語的,可以掃以下二維碼,定制滬江網校精品課程,高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學 以上就是小編為大家分享的怎劍橋商務英語中級作文怎么寫,有參加中級商務英語考試的考生可以來做個相關的學習了解,希望對大家有一定的幫助,想要了解更多商務英語學習相關的知識可以繼續(xù)關注小編為大家?guī)淼暮罄m(xù)文章更新。

  • 2024年12月英語六級保姆級備考規(guī)劃

    在你的腦海里已經慢慢清晰起來。 這個階段你要趁熱打鐵: A. 錯題整理。 做錯的題目進行縱(不同年份)橫(同一年不同套)向分析,找出自己理解出題人套路時的易犯的主觀錯誤,總結規(guī)避方法; B. ?按題型整理屬于自己的解題技巧本; C. ?錯題回做。檢測自己是否真正掌握了解題技巧; D. ?按考試題材和話題積累翻譯詞匯和寫作句型。 學有余力的同學可以看一些押題預測內容(@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號提醒:可以去滬江搜搜往年的押題預測,命中率還不錯),鍛煉自己的寫作和翻譯能力。 E. ?時時復習。 第54~59天, 最后一周,沖刺! 關鍵詞:模擬自測;查缺補漏;準考證 之前讓大家留到最后才做的24年6月的某套題目,拿粗來~~嚴格按照四六級考試的時間,四級上午9:00,六級下午15:00

  • 英語作文得分句型匯總

    數據 1. It has increased by three times as compared with that of 1998. 2. There is an increase of 20% in total this year。 3. It has been increased by a factor of 4since 1995. 4. It would be expected to increase 5 times。 5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year。 6. It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996. 7. The total number was lowered by 10%。 8. It rose from 10-15 percent of the total this year。 9. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent。 10. The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995. 11. It has decreased almost two and half times, compared with… 三、用于解釋性和闡述性論說文 1.Everybody knows that… 2.It can be easily proved that… 3. It is true that… 4. No one can deny that 5. One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is… 6. The chief reason is that… 7. We must recognize that… 8. There is on doubt that… 9. I am of the opinion that… 10. This can be expressed as follows; 11. To take …for an example… 12. We have reason to believe that 13. Now that we know that… 14. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned… 15. The change in …largely results from the fact that 16. There are several causes for this significant growth in…,first …,second …,finally… 17. A number of factors could account for the development in… 18. Perhaps the primary reason is… 19. It is chiefly responsible of… 20. The reasons for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact… 21. Here are several possible reasons, excerpt that… 22. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that… 23. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon… 24. Different people observes it in different ways。 四、用于文章的開頭 1. As the proverb says… 2. It goes without saying tan… 3. Generally speaking… 4. It is quite clear than because… 5. It is often said that … 6. Many people often ask such question:“…?” 7. More and more people have come to realize… 8. There is no doubt that… 9. Some people believe that… 10. These days we are often told that, but is this really the case? 11. One great man said that… 12. Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention。 13. In the past several years there has been… 14. Now it is commonly held that… but I doubt whether… 15. Currently there is a widespread concern that… 16. Now people in growing number are coming to realize that… 17. There is a general discussion today about the issue of … 18. Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently. 以形式主語it引導的句型。 句型1. It (so) happened(chanced) that +clause. = sb. happened /chanced to do sth. = sth. by chance.如: It happened that he was out when I got there.當我到那

  • 最后50天,如何復習四級選詞填空和長篇閱讀?

    常見的詞性排列在前面。 第二步,通讀全文,基礎好的同學邊讀邊判斷所給空的詞性和意思,如果十分確定,就可以將答案填入; 基礎稍差的同學先將全文讀懂,猜測填空的意思,避免出現(xiàn)邊讀邊做,最后模棱兩可的情況,不知道是應該改前面做過的,還是應該選一個不太確定的答案。 有些時候會碰到一些讀不太懂的句子或不認識的單詞,如果不影響整體理解,而且并不是出現(xiàn)在空格附近的句子,可以直接忽略。 第三步,做題,方法就是前后文意思+詞性+排除法。根據句意和詞性,選出答案,并在選項處將選過的答案劃掉,這樣做題過程中就一目了然了。 一般來說,選詞填空這部分按照這個方法做錯的可能性很小。 要么就是一錯錯一片,那么在對答案的過程中,要思考自己連環(huán)犯錯的原因: 如果是單詞不認識導致的,就要趁機鞏固詞匯意思; 如果是理解句意的問題,就要找到理解錯誤的語句,分析句子結構和內容。 長篇閱讀 ?這種題型的做題套路是,首先快速瀏覽

  • 2024年12月英語六級選詞填空和長篇閱讀備考規(guī)劃

    常見的詞性排列在前面。 第二步,通讀全文,基礎好的同學邊讀邊判斷所給空的詞性和意思,如果十分確定,就可以將答案填入; 基礎稍差的同學先將全文讀懂,猜測填空的意思,避免出現(xiàn)邊讀邊做,最后模棱兩可的情況,不知道是應該改前面做過的,還是應該選一個不太確定的答案。 有些時候會碰到一些讀不太懂的句子或不認識的單詞,如果不影響整體理解,而且并不是出現(xiàn)在空格附近的句子,可以直接忽略。 第三步,做題,方法就是前后文意思+詞性+排除法。根據句意和詞性,選出答案,并在選項處將選過的答案劃掉,這樣做題過程中就一目了然了。 一般來說,選詞填空這部分按照這個方法做錯的可能性很小。 要么就是一錯錯一片,那么在對答案的過程中,要思考自己連環(huán)犯錯的原因: 如果是單詞不認識導致的,就要趁機鞏固詞匯意思; 如果是理解句意的問題,就要找到理解錯誤的語句,分析句子結構和內容。 長篇閱讀 ?這種題型的做題套路是,首先快速瀏覽

  • 適合小白的四級超精細備考規(guī)劃

    在你的腦海里已經慢慢清晰起來。 這個階段你要趁熱打鐵: A. 錯題整理。 做錯的題目進行縱(不同年份)橫(同一年不同套)向分析,找出自己理解出題人套路時的易犯的主觀錯誤,總結規(guī)避方法; B. ?按題型整理屬于自己的解題技巧本; C. ?錯題回做。檢測自己是否真正掌握了解題技巧; D. ?按考試題材和話題積累翻譯詞匯和寫作句型。 學有余力的同學可以看一些押題預測內容(@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號提醒:可以去滬江搜搜往年的押題預測,命中率還不錯),鍛煉自己的寫作和翻譯能力。 E. ?時時復習。 第54~59天, 最后一周,沖刺! 關鍵詞:模擬自測;查缺補漏;準考證 之前讓大家留到最后才做的24年6月的某套題目,拿粗來~~嚴格按照四六級考試的時間,四級上午9:00,六級下午15:00