2012-11-02 18:11
1. Embrace the power of one. One company I worked with posted 8 values and 12 competencies they wanted employees to practice. The result: Nothing changed. When you have 20 priorities, you have none. Research on multi-tasking reveals that we're not good at it. Focus on one behavior to change at a time. Sequence the change of more than one behavior.
1. 專一的力量。我曾經(jīng)合作過的一家公司,有8條價值觀和12條核心競爭力希望員工實踐。結果卻毫無改變。當最重要的事有20件,那等于沒有緊急的事。對多任務的研究表明,我們并不擅長同時處理很多事。集中精力一次改變一項行為,一個接著一個來。
2. Make it sticky. Goal theory has taught us that for goals to be effective, they need to be concrete and measurable. So with behaviors. "Listen actively" is vague and not measurable. "Paraphrase what others said and check for accuracy" is concrete and measurable.
2. 增加粘性。目標理論告訴我們,有效的目標應該是明確并可測量的。行為也一樣,“積極聽取”這個行為很模糊,也無法衡量,“回想別人的話并且判別正確性”則明確可測。
3. Paint a vivid picture. As Herminia Ibarra outlines in her book Working Identity, imagining new selves can be a powerful force for change. Use stories, metaphors, pictures, and physical objects to paint an ugly image of "where we are now" and a better vision of a glorious new state. This taps into people's emotions, a forceful lever for (or against) change.
3. 生動地描繪。如Herminia的《職業(yè)身份》一書所述,幻想新的自己是促進改變的巨大力量。通過講故事,打比方,畫圖或實物,來描繪“我們的現(xiàn)狀”,然后用一幅更好的畫面來呈現(xiàn)“美麗新世界”,這樣可以觸及到人的情感面,更有力地促使(或阻止)改變發(fā)生。
4. Activate peer pressure. As social comparison theory shows, we look to others in our immediate circle for guidance for what are acceptable behaviors. Peers can set expectations, shame us or provide role models. This is also the case for online groups. Ask peers to set expectations and put pressure on one another. Sign up friends on facebook to check in on your behaviors (or use a company network tool).
4. 激發(fā)同伴間競爭。根據(jù)社會比較理論,我們會參照身邊的圈子,來判斷什么樣的行為是可以接受的。同伴的行為會讓我們設立預期,或是讓我們羞愧,或是成為我們角色的榜樣。這一點同樣體現(xiàn)在網(wǎng)絡社區(qū)。同伴間相互設置期望,能給彼此帶來壓力。注冊facebook(或使用公司的網(wǎng)絡工具)后加些好友,然后把你的行為“簽到”。
5. Tweak the situation. How do you get employees to eat healthier food in the company cafeteria? You could educate them about healthy food. Or you could alter the physical flow. Google did just that. Using the cue that people tend to grab what they see first, they stationed the salad bar in front of the room. You nudge people, not by telling them directly, but indirectly, by shaping their choices. Use different default settings, frame things as losses (not gains) and so on.
5. 改變環(huán)境。如何讓員工在公司的自助餐廳吃更健康的食物呢?你當然可以對他們進行健康食品教育,或者你還可以改變人流方向。谷歌在這點上做得很好。人們往往去拿他們所看到的第一樣東西,根據(jù)這中心理暗示,谷歌就把沙拉放在餐廳的最前面。想要推動別人,不必直接告訴他們,而是間接方法——修改他們的選擇,比如使用不同的默認設置,習慣于沒有(而非擁有)等等。
6. Teach and coach well. Many behaviors have a skill dimension.I may not know how to prioritize work, even though I am motivated to do so. Be a good teacher or coach (or, be a good learner if you're trying to change your own behaviors).
6. 做個好榜樣。很多行為需要技巧,比如我很想按工作的重要性做事,但是我不知道怎么做。管理人員應該做個好的老師或教練(如果你想改變自己的行為,那就做個好學生)。