Some nouns in English are uncountable nouns.

We do not use uncountable nouns in the plural and we do not use them with the indefinite article, a/an.

We ate a lot of foods > We ate a lot of food

We bought some new furnitures > We bought some new furniture.

That’s a useful information > That’s useful information

We can use some quantifiers with uncountable nouns:

He gave me some useful advice.

They gave us a lot of information.

Uncountable nouns often refer to:

Substances: food; water; wine; salt; bread; iron

Human feelings or qualities: anger; cruelty; happiness; honesty; pride;

Activities: help; sleep; travel; work

Abstract ideas: beauty; death; fun; life

Common uncountable nouns

There are some common nouns in English, like accommodation, which are uncountable nouns even though they have plurals in other languages:

Let me give you some advice.

How much luggage have you got?

If we want to make these things countable, we use expressions like:

Let me give you a piece of advice.

That’s a useful piece of equipment.

We bought a few bits of furniture for the new apartment.

She had six separate items of luggage.

but we do not use accommodation, money and traffic in this way.