小編說:邱邱老師攜新作《狂戀美劇學口語》(點擊查看),教大家“看美劇,學口語”的正確方法。要徹底掌握一門外語,不僅僅要靠單詞的積累,更重要的是要在輕松、愉快的學習氛圍中,了解與該語言相關的文化背景,學會套用native speaker的思維模式,來使用他們最常用的語匯、句型,對語言進行整體定位。唯有如此,才能在短期內迅速掌握這門語言。
No.1 it’s no good to do / it’s no good doing
× It’s no good to complain about your life all the time if you don’t do anything about it.
√ It’s no good complaining about your life all the time if you don’t do anything about it.
? ?整天抱怨生活,卻又不采取什么行動,可沒什么好處!
1. it’s no good + doing,意為“做某事沒什么好處”。
2. 談到complain,還有兩個表示“抱怨”的詞在口語中也相當常用:bitching和nagging。它們均表示“抱怨”和“數落”。
例:William’s wife kept nagging at him.
? ? ? William的太太整天在他耳邊嘮叨。
No.2 be open to / be open with / be frank with
× I’ll be open to you. You have to stop bitching.
× I’ll be open with you. You have to stop bitching.
√ I’ll be frank with you. You have to stop bitching.
? ?我坦白告訴你,你得停止嘮叨了。
1. be open to 向……開放
例:The library is open to the public.
? ? ?圖書館向公眾開放。
2. be open with 以誠相待
例:As good friends, we must be open with each other.
? ? ?作為好朋友,我們應該彼此坦誠相待。
3. be frank with與be honest with相近,指“坦率的,不委婉的”。
例:To be frank with you, you suck!
? ? ? 跟你說實話吧,你真惡心!
No.3 cheat / cheat on
× Jack was heartbroken because his girlfriend cheated him.
√ Jack was heartbroken because his girlfriend cheated on him.
? ?因為女朋友不忠,Jack很傷心。
1. cheat someone (out of something) 意思是“騙取某人財物”,cheat在這里是及物動詞。
例:She cheated her customers by overcharging them.
? ? ? 她通過多收費來欺騙顧客。
2. 表示“對配偶不忠”應該用cheat on a spouse,這里的cheat是不及物動詞。
3. cheat in an exam意為“考試作弊”。
4. 在美國口語中,cheat還有一種調皮的用法: cheat on death,意為“撿回一條命
No.4 healthy / well / better
× I hope you’ll be healthy soon.
√ hope you’ll be well soon.
√ I hope you’ll get better soon.
? ?希望你早日康復。
1. healthy作表語時,常表示“有益于健康的”。
例:Eating breakfast is healthy.
? ? ?吃早飯有益健康。
2. 而形容人身體狀況,一般用短語 in good/poor health,這里的health是不可數名詞。
例:Health, wealth and happiness.
? ? ?健康,財富和幸福。
3. “You’ll be healthy soon.”比較拗口,不符合英美人的說話習慣。well作表語意為“健康的,精神很好的”。
例:You look so well.
? ? ?你看上去氣色不錯。
No.5 rubbish mail / junk mail
rubbish [?r?b??]
junk [d???k]
× It really bothers me to get so much rubbish mail every day.
√ It really bothers me to get so much junk mail every day.
? ?每天都收到這么多垃圾郵件讓我很心煩。
1. rubbish雖然也是“垃圾”的意思,但“垃圾郵件”一般用固定短語junk mail,包括flyers(傳單)、ads(各類促銷廣告)、store catalogues(商品目錄雜志)等。
2. 如果你不喜歡收到垃圾郵件, 可以在信箱上貼“no junk mails please”,還是挺管用的。此外,垃圾食品是junk food,現在很多女生都力主減肥,拒絕junk food。在這里給廣大女性同胞提供一個減肥妙方:The only thing you gotta do is drinking much tomato juice before each meal.
主要著作包括《狂戀美劇學口語》《美音糾音、透析與突破》《托福聽力新思維》《TOEFL iBT聽力詞匯小伴侶》《美國簽證口語指南》《TOEFL iBT口語滿分模板》《基礎口譯閱讀與翻譯教程》《中級口譯全真模擬試題》《中高級口譯口試詞匯必備》《高級口譯筆試備考精要》等。(點擊進入老師部落>>>)