【TED】是一個會議的名稱,它是英文technology,entertainment, design三個單詞的首字母縮寫。它是社會各界精英交流的盛會,這里有當代最杰出的思想家,這里有當代最優(yōu)秀的科學家,這里有迸發(fā)著最閃耀的思想火花,這里孕育著最光輝的夢想。
Graham Hill:
Graham Hill is the founder of ; he travels the world to tell the story of sustainability, and tweets at @GHill.

420 sq. ft
Life Edited
Finally, we want multifunctional spaces and housewares .A sink combined with a toilet, a dining table becomes a bed -- same space, a little side table stretches out to seat 10. In the winning Life Edited scheme in a render here, we combine a moving wall with transformer furniture to get a lot out of the space. Look at the coffee table .It grows in height and width to seat 10. My office folds away, easily hidden. My bed just pops out of the wall with two fingers. Guests? Move the moving wall, have some fold-down guest beds. And of course, my own movie theater. So I'm not saying that we all need to live in 420 sq. ft. But consider the benefits of an edited life. Go from 3,000 to 2,000, from 1,500 to 1,000. Most of us, maybe all of us, are here pretty happily for a bunch of days with a couple of bags, maybe a small space, a hotel room. So when you go home and you walk through your front door, take a second and ask yourselves, "Could I do with a little life editing? Would that give me a little more freedom? Maybe a little more time?"
最后,我們需要多功能的空間利用與多功能家具—— 比如一體化的水斗和坐便器 餐桌與床的兩用 同樣的空間里 這個小小的桌子 可以伸展為能坐10個人的大桌子 “精簡生活”的一個優(yōu)勝設計 把一堵墻和“變形金剛”式的家具有機結(jié)合 從而高效地利用了有限的空間 看看這個咖啡桌: 它可以拉長、抬高 使得能夠容納10個人同時就座 我的個人工作臺 能夠方便地折疊并隱藏 只用兩個手指就能把床從墻壁里變出來 家里來客人了?動一下這堵墻 里面有折疊式的客床 當然,它也能變成我的家庭影院 我不是說每個人都應該只住在 420平方英尺(約40平方米)的空間里 但精簡生活的確能帶來諸多好處。 比如從3000平方英尺到2000平方英尺 或者從1500到1000平方英尺 我們中的大多數(shù),也可能是所有人 在這幾天都過得很愉快 雖然我們只隨身帶了幾個包 并且住在一個小小的旅店房間里 所以你這次回家、踏入房門之后 不妨問問自己 “怎么樣把我的生活也精簡一番呢?” “那樣是不是會帶來更多自由——” “更多時間呢?”