
Chop up half of your cookies and set aside. Crush the rest of the cookies into tiny pieces. Set aside 4 tbsp crushed cookies to use as decoration.
把其中一半餅干剁碎,并放在一邊。 將其余的餅干壓碎成小塊。 取出4湯匙碎餅干用作裝飾。

Mix the crushed Oreos with melted butter and separate between four glasses or serving dishes. Refrigerate while you prepare the filling.
將粉碎的Oreos與熔化的黃油混合,并分開裝在四個玻璃杯或餐盤中。 把這些冷藏起來,同時去準備餡料。

In a bowl, blend granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, and whipping cream until it starts to make stiff peaks. Mix in cream cheese until blended.
在碗里,攪拌砂糖、香草糖和鮮奶油,直到出現(xiàn)一個個凝固的突起。 加入奶油乳酪,等待攪拌。

Fold in the chopped Oreos. Scoop the filling into your cups dividing it so they are all even.
倒入切碎的奧利奧。 把餡料分裝進杯子里,保證每一份等量。

Sprinkle the extra crumbs on top and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

