2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題Talks and Conversations含解析
2014年春季上海中高級口譯考試于今日3月16日開考,滬江英語在考后第一時間提供真題、解析、答案信息,本文為2014年3月中級口譯聽力真題Talks and Conversations 部分,由滬江網(wǎng)校提供。
Talks and Conversations 1
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following conversation.
W: Jack, where is the memorandum?
M: Which memorandum?
W: The one from the executive vice president's office.
M: I didn't see it. When did it come in?
W: Yesterday afternoon. Just before five o'clock. I just glanced at it, and then I put it down.
M: Where did you put it?
W: I remember putting it in one of the file folders. But I forget which file folder it was.
M: What's the subject of the memo?
W: It's about changes in the accounting procedures.
M: That sounds important. Who else got a copy of it?
W: I think Mrs. Carter in the accounting office got copies.
M: Shall I go and ask her?
W: Yes, that's a good idea.
Q11. What is the woman looking for?
Q12. According to the woman, who send the memorandum?
Q13. Why does Jack say that the memorandum is important?
Q14. What will Jack probably do after the conversation?
Talks and Conversations 2
Questions 15 - 18 are based on the following talk.
I am an American student learning Chinese in Shanghai. During my study here, my classmates and I often travel around, sometimes beyond the country. Last year, we went to Australia as we were invited by our Australian friends we made here at the university. In Sydney, it seems that birds are the closest friends of human beings outside the cats and dogs. Especially during the summer season, you may encounter a variety of birds. In a local park where my friends and I barbecued, we enjoyed company of sacred ibis — the white bodied, black headed large birds with a long slightly crooked beak. They would stay very close to us or other barbecuers, waiting for any food that might be tossed toward them. When we walk in streets, white parrots or colorful parrokets often fly above our heads from one tree branch to the other. Very frequently you may hear a baby or babies crying somewhere. The cry in fact came from overhead when I first looked around for a crying baby. The sound was made by black crows. You may also see white spotted crows in the street looking for food. If they are truly crows, then the Chinese saying "All the crows in the world are black" has an exception in Australia.
Q15. What is the speaker doing in Shanghai?
Q16. According to the talk, which of the following are not the closest friends of human beings?
Q17. For what reason do the birds come very close to people who are having barbecues?
Q18. What bird would make the sound of a crying baby?
Talks and Conversations 3
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the following conversation.
M: What subjects are you taking this semester?
W: I'm taking introductory calculus, freshman composition, western civilization and physics.
M: That's quite a load.
W: Yes, I know it's going to be a lot of work, but it should be an interesting semester. And I'm not going to have to work this term, because I manage to save quite a bit of money from my summer job at a cannery, so I should have enough time for studying.
M: That's good. I'm going to have to work 20 hours a week at the library.
W: What do you do there? Do you like it?
M: I shelve books on the third floor. Sometimes it gets monotonous, but the pay isn't bad, and I can arrange my hours to suit my class schedule.
W: What are you taking this semester?
M: French, biology and accounting. I like the French and biology instructors, but the accounting professor is very dry and boring.
W: Do you have Professor Stilwell? I have heard he's terrible.
M: Yes, do you know of anybody who's better?
W: My friend Antonio took accounting with Professor Ackins last spring. He said that she was wonderful, knew her subject well and had a great sense of humor. She kept the classes in stitches the whole semester, but she covered all the material thoroughly.
M: I will have to check to see if she is teaching this semester. If she is, I will try to transfer into her class.
Q19: Which of the following subjects is the woman not taking this semester?
Q20: What does the man think of Professor Stilwell?
Q21: Why does the man like his job?
Q22: What does the man decide to do at last?
Talks and Conversations 4
Questions 23—26 are based on the following conversation.
In many countries, exchanging business cards is an important ritual. In Japan, especially, give and receive cards with care, use two hands and study the card carefully, rather than taking it one-handedly and stuffing it in a pocket. Asian business experts suggest that you observe the card carefully, indicate with a nod that you have understood it. And in general, treat the card with the respect you would give its owner. One US businessman lost a business deal in Japan, because his inattention to the Japanese businessman's cards was taken as a measure of the lack of attention he would give to their business. In China and Japan, a small exchange of well-wrapped gifts, such as pens or paperweights, is expected at first encounters. In Arab countries and western European countries, gifts are not exchanged initially. Avoid gifts in sets of four in Japan, as the spoken number four has the same sound as the word for death. In China, clocks represent a similar bad fate and should not be given as gifts. In a Hindu nation like India, where cows are sacred, avoid gifts of leather. In Arab countries, gifts for a businessmen’s wife would be inappropriate. But if you are visiting a home in Latin America or Europe, a gift for the family or children is appreciated. Regional gifts, specialties of your area often make special gifts abroad. Amish handicrafts from Pennsylvania, maple syrup from Vermont, native American portrait from the south west.
23. According to the talk, what is the correct way of taking and receiving a business card in Japan?
24. According to the talk, why was the US business person not successful in the business deal in Japan?
25. In which country should gifts of leather be avoided?
26. Which of the following is not mentioned as a special gift in a foreign country?
Talks and Conversations 5
Questions 27—30 are based on the following conversation.
M: Jane, I’ve got to use your advice.
W: What’s up, Bob?
M: OK, listen! I’ve decided to apply for that job I was telling you about. The one I saw in The Sunday Times. You remember?
W: Yes, I remember, Johnson was in it. What was it?A chemical company?
M: No, light engineering.
W: Oh, yes, of course, light engineering. I remember now. And it was for a manager, wasn’t it?
M: Yes, personnel manager.
W: Very nice, too. Do you feel optimistic about it?
M: Well, I wouldn’t say I exactly feel optimistic but at least my training and experience have put me in with a chance. So perhaps, could I say I feel reasonably optimistic about getting sure listed? But the interview, that’s different.
W: Why for goodness sake? You are not scared at interviews, are you?
M: No, I’m not scared of them. But I don’t feel at my best in interviews. Not when I am on the receiving end, I suppose at Yorkshire Engineering I spend so much of my time interviewing other people that I feel off balance when I’m in the hot sea myself. I’m afraid of be caught unprepared.
W: Oh, I shouldn’t worry too much about it if I were you. As you say, the job’s absolutely made for you. I shouldn’t think they’ll get many applicants with your qualifications. What’s the pay like incidentally?
M: Oh, the pay’s good, nearly twice what I’m getting now. But then it is in London.
W: What’s the money the main reason for applying?
M: One of the reasons. Probably not the main reason.
W: What was that thing?
M: Well, I like working at Yorkshire Engineering. But I’d like more scope for putting a few ideas in the practice. You know, old Sam is all right and he’s…
W: Who’s Sam? Is he your boss?
M: Yes, he’s the personnel manager and he’s very understanding, pleasant to work for and all that. But he’s very slow to respond to new ideas. I mean, you got to move with the times these days or you're soon left behind.
W: Good for you. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.
M: Thanks, I’ll need it.
27. What job is the man applying for?
28. Where is the man working now?
29. Which of the following is not the true about old Sam, the man’s boss?
30. According to the man, what is the main reason for his applying for the job?