

托福寫作題目: ?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from friends of an older age would be more valuable than from friends your own age. ??



Agree ?


Everyone needs advice at times, and most people ask their peers for help. However, with age comes a greater variety of life experiences, which give one the wisdom and ability to see things in perspective. Therefore, it is far better to receive advice from friends who are older than you than from peers.


First, older friends have more real-world experience, so their advice has greater value. They can indeed give important advice on situations you have not experienced. For example, when deciding what college to attend, my older brother asked his friend in college where he should study. His friend said he should think about the financial aspects, so he suggested finding an inexpensive college where my brother could also get a scholarship. Thanks to his older friend's advice, my brother could be saved from having a heavy student debt in the future. ?


Older people have made mistakes, so they can help their younger friends avoid the same ones. It is often best to ask older friends for their opinion before making a big decision. One time, when I had a choice between playing baseball for the summer and going to a camp for three weeks, I asked my older friend for help. He said they play baseball at summer camp and I would be sad if I did not go there. Once in the past, he had decided not to go to camp and had joined a soccer club instead. All of his friends had a great time at camp while he was miserable playing soccer without them. His mistake helped me avoid making one myself. ?


Older friends have more experience dealing with relationships, so they know how to deal with others very well. You can always expect an older person to have a past experience similar to a situation you are experiencing. My girlfriend was mad at me a while ago, but I was too afraid to ask her why. My older friend said that I should ask her directly and that she would tell me if she really liked me. Everything worked out fine thanks to my friend's advice. Older people definitely know more about relationships than younger people do. ??



Disagree ?


Sometimes people face difficult situation, so it is necessary to get some advice.I always ask my friends my age are much better able to give me helpful advice than people who are a few years older than me. My friends the same age know me well, which puts them in the best position to give me advice. This means their advice is more likely to be relevant to my situation. For instance, once I was worried about doing a presentation in a science class because I get nervous speaking in front of others. My classmate knew this, so she told me to imagine I was only talking to her. Her advice kept me calm, and I received an excellent grade. People who know you well can tailor their advice to fit your specific problem. ?


Since my friends my own age also have the same experiences as I do, they know exactly how I feel about my problems. In fact, they can empathize with me more easily. Last year, my parents refused to let me attend a school dance which was supposed to end at midnight because my curfew was 10 p.m.I was so upset, but my best friend, Jin who is the same age as me, comforted me, saying that he had the same problem previously, so he could understand my feelings. He also remarked that my parents were only worried about me and ?wanted me to be safe.I was still not happy, but at least I could see my parents' point of view. Having similar experiences can help your friends understand you better. ?


Many times, I have problems that are related exclusively to my age group, so it is natural to turn to my friends for help. Having the same problem at the same time can be good because everyone can help each other. These days, my friends are all worried about the future since we are finishing high school soon. Some friends want to go to university while others are not sure. We often get together and discuss what to do, which makes everyone feel better afterwards. It is best to talk to people my own age because we have the same problems. ?


In conclusion, I feel that getting advice from people my own age is best due to the facts that they have the same problems and experiences, understand my feelings, and know me best. Since they know so much about me, they know which advice will help me solve my problems.

