
The rupee tree

In a little town in India called Aat-pat Nagar, there lived a wise Brahmin.

(click on the Brahmin to see what happens next )

One day, the Brahmin went to the King to ask for alms.

(Alms is money for the poor. click on the purse to see what happens next)

The King generously offered him one hundred rupees,but the Brahmin refused to take any money that the King had to earned through work.

THe King had never worked in his life! He thought of a plan and asked the Brahmin to come back in two days.

The next day,The King replaced his robes with a torn, old robe and went to nearby village.

(click on the King's old clothes to see what happens next )

The King asked a man for work, and was told to dig earth for the road.

(click on the pickaxe to see what happens next)

The King tried hard,but was soon too tired to work anymore. The man gave the King two rupee coin and told him to go home .

The next day the Brahmin came to the place and the King gave him his?hard-earned coin.

(click on the coin to see what happens next )

The Brahmin planted the coin in his garden, where's sprouted and grew into a mighty?tree covered shiny rupee coins

A few days later the King's daughters were collecing flowers from all the local gardens?and came to visit the Brahmin.

In his garden,they saw the beautiful money-laden tree.

When they told the King about the Brahmin's beautiful rupee tree.

He ordered it to be cut down and brought to him.

(click on the axe to see what happens next)

But the Brahmin would not to allow it and asked that the King come himself

and take the tree.

The King came and Brahmin told him that the coin had grown into a tree because it had been earned with hard work.

The King felt humbled and went on his way.

The King learned that the fruits of our own hard work grow far greater than anything given to us.

What we give gererously from our own hard work will bring for greater wealth.

(click on the coin to see what happens next )

the end