5. Don't be petty.

5. 不要瑣碎

Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative. Prepare.Don't ask questions about routine elements or functions of a company: where stuff is, the size of your cube, and company policy on coffeebreaks.


6. Don't be a liar.


Studies show that employees lie frequently in the workplace. Lying won't get you a job. In a job interview even a slight exaggeration is lying. Don't. Never stretch your resume or embellish accomplishments.There's a difference between speaking with a measured confidence and engaging in BS. One lie can ruin your entire interview, and the skilled interviewer will spot the lie and show you the door.


7. Don't be a bad comedian.

7. 不要成為糟糕的滑稽演員

Humor tends to be very subjective, and while it may be tempting tolead your interview with a joke you've got to be careful about your material. You probably will know nothing about the sensibilities of your interviewer, let alone what makes them laugh. On the other hand,nothing disarms the tension of a job interview like a little laughter,so you can probably score at least a courtesy chuckle mentioning that it's "perfect weather for a job interview!"


8. Don't be high-maintenance.

8. 不要太難伺候

If you start talking about the ideal office temperature, the perfect chair for your tricky back, and how the water cooler needs to be filled with imported mineral water, chances are you'll be shown a polite smile and the door, regardless of your qualifications. Nobody hiring today is going to be looking for someone who's going to be finicky about their workspace.


9. Don't be a time-waster.


At every job interview, the prospective hire is given the chance to ask questions. Make yours intelligent, to the point, and watch theperson across the desk for visual cues whether you've asked enough. Ask too many questions about off-target matters and you'll be thought of as someone destined to waste the company's resources with in significant and time-wasting matters.


10. Don't be a switchblade.


Normally the switchblade is thought of a backstabber, often taking credit for someone else's work. In an interview setting, the switchblade can't help but "trash talk" his former employer. If you make it seem like your former workplace was hell on Earth, the person interviewing you might be tempted to call them to find out who was the real devil.

