2010-09-04 07:40
Jesse Ausubel on the Census of Marine Life, a count of all ocean life
The largest marine census ever conducted – that is, a count of every single organism living in Earth’s oceans –draws to a close in 2010. It’s called the Census of Marine Life. Renowned ocean researcher Jesse Ausubel serves as the project director. He said this Census has changed our understanding of life under the sea.
Jesse Ausubel: The total number of marine microbes known and described when the census began a bit more than a decade ago was only about 5,000. And, now, we have DNA sequences for hundreds of thousands.
He said experts have used a combination of DNA analysis and video, acoustic and cell phone technology to figure out what’s living where, in the sea.
Jesse Ausubel : We’ve covered a lot of the world. We haven’t covered everyplace, but we have produced what we call a new biogeography of the oceans. It’s like neighborhoods.
Ausubel listed things his Census has help uncover, such as the location of the hottest ocean vent, and the status of herring as the world’s most widely distributed fish. He said the Census has identified more than 200 thousand different named marine species -from plankton to minnows to sharks. He said that there are still more than a million forms of complex ocean life yet to be discovered.