If you’ve been following this year’s US presidential race, chances are you’ve seen the above photo of Donald Trump more than once. Wire service Getty Images just declared it their most popular election photoever, downloaded 177 more times than the average election photo in their archive.

Taken during a rally in Dallas in September 2015, this photo shows Trump shrugging with raised shoulders, open palms, squinting eyes and pinched lips, wearing something like a smile. His expression almost perfectly replicates the “smugshrug” or “shruggie” emoji: ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ.
2015年9月在達(dá)拉斯宣講會(huì)上拍的一張照片上,特朗普肩膀向上微聳,張開雙手,瞇著眼睛,雙唇緊閉,帶著一絲微笑。他的表情幾乎跟“smugshrug” or “shruggie”(攤手聳肩)打出來(lái)的表情一模一樣:ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ.

Google Image search turns up over 25 million results that contain or link to this image. Few of these webpages have anything to do with the event where the image was shot by photographer Tom Pennington.”

When the picture was taken, Trump was actually talking about media pundits who mocked him for being a clown, but could no longer deny the likelihood of his presidency. Consulted body language experts Lillian Glass and Richard Cytowic on the image, and both conclude that Trump’s posture suggests he was trying to show openness and invite agreement.

One way to interpret Trump’s ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ is as a “y u mad” smugshrug.
