• [英語聽力] 名校無人問津(1)

    曾經(jīng)名聲顯赫的歷史名校ANTIOCH,現(xiàn)在卻面臨生源不足的困境Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, is a private liberal-arts school with a history of social activism. It was the first American colle...

    2007-07-08 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 美俄兩國表示將削減核武器儲備(3)

    在最近的一份聯(lián)合聲明中,美俄兩國表示將把核武器儲備降到“可能的最低水平”In that regard, Deputy Foreign Minister Kislyak defended Moscow's cooperation with Iran on its nearly-completed Bushehr pow...

    2007-07-07 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 美國食品科學(xué)家獲國際大獎(2)

    美國一位食品科學(xué)家獲得2007年世界食品學(xué)大獎【生詞摘錄】As a young man, Mister Nelson was once honored for growing the best tomatoes at a state fair. He worked at his family's farm and tomato-canni...

    2007-07-07 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 美國食品科學(xué)家獲國際大獎(1)

    美國一位食品科學(xué)家獲得2007年世界食品學(xué)大獎An American expert in food science technology has won a major international award. Philip E. Nelson has been named winner of the 2007 World Food Prize. ...

    2007-07-06 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 美俄兩國表示將削減核武器儲備(2)

    在最近的一份聯(lián)合聲明中,美俄兩國表示將把核武器儲備降到“可能的最低水平”"We haven't come to agreement on what will replace START but we are in the process of talking about that. We both want tran...

    2007-07-06 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 抗瘧疾蚊蟲(2)

    瘧疾在一些發(fā)展中國家仍然是威脅人們生命的一大問題,科學(xué)家試圖通過培育抗瘧疾蚊蟲來解決這一問題【生詞摘錄】 Their advice could change in the future with the help of mosquitoes genetically engineered...

    2007-07-05 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 美俄兩國表示將削減核武器儲備(1)

    在最近的一份聯(lián)合聲明中,美俄兩國表示將把核武器儲備降到“可能的最低水平”Arms control advocates have been critical of the administrations of both Presidents Bush and Putin for allegedly neglecting...

    2007-07-05 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 美將加強反恐安全管理(2)

    在英國的恐怖襲擊事件之后,美國國土安全部部長邁克爾·切多夫在接受幾家媒體采訪時表示將加強反恐安全管理He added that there will be what he described as "enhanced air marshal work" on trans-Atlantic ...

    2007-07-04 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 抗瘧疾蚊蟲(1)

    瘧疾在一些發(fā)展中國家仍然是威脅人們生命的一大問題,科學(xué)家試圖通過培育抗瘧疾蚊蟲來解決這一問題Scientists say they have made more progress in developing malaria-resistant mosquitoes. The idea is to ...

    2007-07-04 00:00
  • [英語聽力] 可以治病的大米(2)

    能不能邊吃飯,一邊就把病治了?可能嗎?People would take the vaccine as a drug that contains the powder. Cholera is usually spread through water or food, in places where conditions are dirty and d...

    2007-07-03 00:00