- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:后悔沒在20幾歲做這些事
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:改變你生命的四個問題
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- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:再微小的力量,也能改變世界
A friend ho as don in the dumps rote me a letter a fe eeks ago. His life as full of problems. His heart as full of orries. He as lo on hope.幾周前,一位生活幾經(jīng)波折的友人給我來信,說他的生活
- [英語閱讀] Quora精選:最令人難以接受的事實有哪些?
hat is the hardest truth?最令人難以接受的真相有哪些? Oais Raza: 1,No one actually caresabout you the ay that you think they do. It is human nature to be more self-inoled and orried about o
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:你怎樣過早晨,就怎樣過一生
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:生命的意義到底是什么?
"hat is the meaning of life?" This is a question that e all ask ourseles at one point or another of our existence here. It is a question that I hae asked myself many times oer the y
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I hae the bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book to see ho it ends hile I am still in the middle of it. This habit annoyed first my Mom, then my friends, and finally een my on daug
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