

Mark Twain


Prime Minister

New Delhi


Rush Limbaugh

注意寫法:$200 million

Mark Twain said a lie'll get halfway around the world before the truth has time to pull its boots on.
That was literally the case in this story we didn't pay enough attention to in 2010. President Obama was scheduled to travel to Mumbai to meet with the Indian Prime Minister about loosening US trade restrictions, a successful trip that would net our country $10 billion in export deals and 50,000 jobs. And these overseas trips routinely cost in the area of $5 million a day. But on November 2nd of last year, the website for New Delhi TV quoted an anonymous official of the Maharashtra Government saying that President Obama's trip would be costing $200 million a day.
The Drudge Report posts a link to the story, either believing it to be possible or not caring that it isn't. Rush Limbaugh knows this figure can't possibly be right. But Mr. Limbaugh runs with it anyway.
507 rooms at the Taj Mahal, 40 airplanes, $200 million a day.

