Time now to continue our special coverage on the Shanghai World Expo. When people think of the Netherlands, a low lying country with numerous dams, tulips and clogs come to mind. At the upcoming Wold Expo in Shanghai, the country will demonstrate that it has far more to offer.
The Dutch pavilion is called "Happy Street". It's an entire street in the shape of the number eight - an auspicious number in Chinese culture. 26 small houses will be elevated along the the 400-meter long main pedestrian strip. The houses will present exhibitions exploring themes such as energy, water, city space and many other urban issues.
Construction of the "happy street" will be completed by February.
In the meantime, the Dutch port city of Rotterdam will be represented at the Urban Best Practices Area, with a focus on water and delta technology. The Netherlands is world famous for building on pile foundations.
Around 40 percent of the country lies below sea level. The country hopes visitors can get a personal experience of what its like living below sea level. It also wants to share its experience in the management of water resources.
Tens of thousands of mumbaikars decided to brave the hours-long sweatfest in thescorchingheat on May 10 at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai, which typically seats 56,000 people.5月10日...
奧運會就這么稀里糊涂地來了又去了,如今大不列顛被籠罩在后奧運時期的憂郁氣氛中。不過幸好有萌寵們來幫忙掃除陰影!推特上一個名為Emergency Cute Stuff的賬號搜集各種萌寵照片,希望能溫暖人們冰冷的心。
海歸相親大軍來勢洶洶 不愿與外國人相戀
離婚如病毒 會扎堆能傳染
【精讀】The Challenge of TV