10 Reasons Your Job Search Isn't Working

It's not an easy job market these days. Yet, people are getting jobs. Even in the midst of the large-scale and very public layoffs we keep reading about, lots of employers are hiring. In some cases, they're cutting more staff than their operating plans require, and backfilling with what they hope will be more qualified, and thus more profitable, employees.

The downturn of 2008 has taught us this, if nothing else: There's a right and a wrong way to job-hunt. If your job search is stuck in neutral, check this list to make sure you're not getting in the way of your own next job.

Your resume is falling down on the job.

A strong 2009 resume is specific -- it tells an employer right away what you're good at and what kinds of jobs you want to do -- and it's written in clear, everyday language that real people use. "Results-oriented professional" and "out of the box thinker" are pure 1980's, and won't help you separate yourself from the job-search pack.

Your cover letters miss the mark.

A cover letter's job is to say, "As you read this letter, aren't you dying to learn more about its author?" (Not in those words, of course.) The worst cover letters in the world are the ones that say, "Enclosed please find my resume" and do nothing to link that resume (and its owner)?to the specific job you're pursuing.

You're not in it.

Job searches work when candidates commit a certain number of hours per week to the process. Applying for a job here and a job there and hoping for the best is not a winning formula.

You're playing the lottery.

Sitting online tossing resumes into the Black Hole of corporate recruiting departments is very much like hoping you hit the lottery in a big way just about the time you're ready to retire. An Internet-only job search is a losing proposition. To be successful, you've got to get out and talk to people, and to engage your network in your job search.

You're out of synch with the market.

The very most unfortunate job-seeker is the person who's looking for jobs that don't exist. Once we learn that, for instance, corporate steno pools today are as plentiful as hens' teeth, we can adjust our job-search story and our materials to position us for jobs that employers are actually trying to fill. Don't waste your energy looking for the last stagecoach-driver job (theme parks not included) in the country.

