Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Full means something is completely filled, with no space left. What is full? Why is it full? What will be the outcome?
This week's topic: It was full... (90-110 words)
1) full moon
2) becoming full after a meal
3) whether the cup is half full or half empty
4) full of happiness
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
The interior designer and the club manager were able to enjoy their time having their meal despite the establishment becoming busier and busier. There were other tables at the VIP area with customers ordering food. The designer observed that Club 1997 was a popular choice not only for getting drinks and dancing to music, with the great selection of food on the menu, customers would also choose to have a meal at the club. By the time the two got to the dessert item, the club was becoming pretty full.