Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Request means asking something to be done. What is the request? Who is requesting it? What is the reason?
This week's topic: They requested it... (90-110 words)
1) a special request at a restaurant due to allergy
2) requesting a song to be played on the radio
3) request a formal investigation
4) request for assistance
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
When the staff member saw the club manager approach, he bowed slightly and handed the envelope of sketches to the manager with both hands. Then, he quickly took his leave. The interior designer greeted the manager and told him that the envelope had the requested sketches. The club manager asked if the designer was available since he would be able to look at the sketches now and give his feedback immediately. Since the designer had no other engagement, he agreed to stay while the manager looked over the sketches. The pair headed towards the club manager's office.