


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Discrete refers to things which are separate, distinct from each other. What is discrete? Why is it discrete? What is the importance?
This week's topic: They were discrete... (90-110 words)

1) discrete number graph
2) walk down a discrete path
3) discrete method
4) discrete expression
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


From the discrete compartment, Doug found many individual packages with small pills. He immediately recognized what they were. He had seen them before, and he had done chemical analysis on them before. Doug received the sample he tested from his informant on the streets. With the high price of these items, the samples were not easy to come by. Yet right now, Doug was staring at all these packages of pills. All the packages seemed to be about the same size and same weight. He paused for a brief moment before sliding these packets back inside the compartment.
