CW電視臺緊隨"吸血鬼"題材熱即將在秋季推出新戲《吸血鬼日記》(Vampire Daires)。為了給新戲做宣傳,CW電視臺也是頻頻出怪招,以求標新立異,而《吸血鬼日記》劇組就將在美國各大高校內展開一場十分應景的無償獻血活動。




【預告片搶先看】暮色美劇版 新劇《吸血鬼日記》再現(xiàn)校園人鬼情


The CW is kicking off its new Vampire Diaries series with a very fitting marketing campaign - a blood drive.

The "Starve a Vampire. Donate Blood" initiative, which began Aug. 25 and runs for five weeks, will hit up more than 230 high schools and college campuses across the nation. It encourages students to donate blood through the American Red Cross.

Each blood drive location will feature The Vampire Diaries-themed refreshment areas and exclusive footage will be featured on monitors. Participants will also receive swag for their good deed, including customized t-shirts.

The Vampire Diaries premieres Thursday, Sept. 10 at 8/9c.