


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Popularity means being the capacity of being well-known and well-liked by others. What kind of popularity is it? What are the determining factors? What are the effects?
This week's topic: They could feel their popularity... (90-110 words)

1) popularity contest
2) popularity is a trend
3) increase in popularity
4) popularity is a fad
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Wolfe looked at the intern standing beside him and shook his head. Indeed, the intern had quite a distance to go before becoming a reporter. Of course, writing skills were vital skills, but more importantly, observation skill was another required skill as well for a good reporter. Wolfe knew the intern was a big fan of the model since it was the intern who told him about the popularity of the model, not to mention the intern was so excited to see the model in person when there was a photoshoot at the magazine studio.
