


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Usage means the amount which was used up. What does the usage refer to? Is the usage high or low? What determines the usage?
This week's topic: They checked the usage... (90-110 words)

1) water usage
2) electricity usage
3) grammar usage
4) calculating average usage
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


The two sounds were almost simultaneous. Shawn felt the light vibration of the alert for incoming message on his cell phone right after he scanned his key card. The text message was sent at such an odd hour that Shawn's initial thought was that it was probably an automatic alert message sent by the system, reminding him of a bank statement being available or data usage update on his phone plan. But then, Shawn thought it might have something to do with the early meeting, perhaps a change of location or time, or people in attendance.
