這部NBO劇集中的大部分成員都還三緘其口,不肯說自己勝過《暮色》中的庫倫一家更多。這個(gè)任務(wù)就落到了扮演男主角比爾·可普頓的演員史蒂芬·梅耶的肩上,而他索性一不做二不休,在接受《Marie Claire》采訪時(shí)直接就朝超人氣吸血鬼角色愛德華·庫倫放了狠話:“他就是一小娘兒們!是吸血鬼中的無糖減肥可樂,沒啥真材實(shí)料!”(小編注:見光不死,喝動(dòng)物血,清清純純的高中生戀情——《暮色》走的確實(shí)是非主流吸血鬼路線。)
Since the premiere of the second season of “True Blood” earlier this month, the cast of the show has been asked to take sides in an epic battle with the vampires of “Twilight.”
For the most part the stars of the HBO show have been reluctant to say outright whether they favor their vamps over the Cullens. But leave it to Stephen Moyer, who plays vampire Bill Compton, to turn a little healthy rivalry into a downright feud by saying some pretty nasty stuff about Edward Cullen to Marie Claire magazine in this month’s issue. “He’s a pu—!” he said. “He’s the Slim-Fast, Diet Coke of vampires.”
Of course, Moyer’s probably a little biased, so MTV News decided to get “True Blood” and “Twilight” fans to weigh in on the ever escalating vamp-off. And it seems that a lot of viewers are siding with the undead based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels over the ones adapted from Stephenie Meyer’s books.