A piece which seems created to exorcise the memories of New Horizon for both student and teacher alike, it also provides uniquely useful phrases you’re not likely to find in any other textbook including “I love you like a fat kid loves cake” and “That’s not just any stack of boxes, that’s my house.”
The book begins by introducing us to the cast of characters who will guide us through our journey of learning English. Some of these rascals include former straight-A student turned junkie-prostitute Emi Ito, and gun-toting triad Bin Dong.From there we follow the characters through their daily lives of drinking and gambling while learning how they naturally interact with each other.
Tokyo Shoseki also publishes a book titled Try Studying English Once Again with Future-Style New Horizon, a “next-generation textbook for adults,” essentially a light novel that teaches readers English which envolves the love triangle between Ken, Lucy, and Yumi.