


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
A panel is a surface used for division. What does the panel look like? How does it function? Where is the panel found?
This week's topic: They installed the panel... (90-110 words)

1) solar panel
2) discussion panel
3) electrical panel
4) use panels to section off an area
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


In this early morning when it was barely dawn, Shawn was still feeling a bit tired. He knew though, that once he got his work started, his energy would be boosted. He was spacing out looking through the floor to ceiling glass walls across the empty lobby when he remembered that he was supposed to be waiting for the elevator. He looked at the button panel, and saw that the light was unlit. "I thought I pressed the button already... no wonder the elevator was not coming," Shawn mumbled to himself.
