


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Pertinent means absolutely necessary, very significant. What is pertinent? Why is it pertinent? How does it affect others?
This week's topic: The information is pertinent... (90-110 words)

1) pertinent procedure
2) pertinent to the discussion
3) pertinent to the outcome
4) pertinent to the change
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


If the information on the research paper was pertinent to him doing his job, Doug could just learn along the way. Putting his cap on backwards, like he always did when he got down to business, he concentrated on searching for a particular file. Getting into the private drive was not the biggest problem, as Doug could already image beforehand, but finding the needed file would be the challenge. The files in the drive were not label with the project they were associated with, nor were they grouped. All the files were just coded with different serial numbers.
