Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Promptly means quickly, without delay. What is done promptly? Why is it important to be prompt?
This week's topic: They arrived promptly... (90-110 words)
1) leave the house promptly after receiving a phone call
2) promptly jump into action
3) finish work promptly
4) return the item promptly
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
Food arrived promptly. The pair enjoyed the food and drink. The guest seemed to really enjoy the food, from what Hodge observed. While eating, the two people talked about what they have been up to lately. Hodge's guest also talked about some design inspiration. Hodge had decided that having chosen this specific interior designer was one great move. The manager, therefore, once again expressed his appreciation for the interior designer's work. At this point, Hodge was considering revamping his office at the club. That place had had the same look for many years.