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World Expo 2010 mascot Haibao is expected to appear in every corner of the world in an online photographic contest launched today.

Any pictures or photographs featuring Haibao can be submitted. The pictures can be taken anywhere and photoshop programs are allowed - virtual pictures are definitely permitted.

Haibao figures have reached France, Britain, Spain, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Canada and Australia since the unveiling on December 18, 2007. The cute figure has been warmly welcomed by people in these countries. The figures are also found in the Chinese mainland as well as China's Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Zhu Yonglei, deputy director general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, said the competition will take advantage of the Internet to raise Netizens' interest in the Expo.

He hopes people will follow the footsteps of Haibao all over the world and stop in Shanghai in 2010 to experience the glamor of Expo 2010.

The competition is part of a series of online promotions planned by local officials. It will run until July 26.

Anyone interested can upload their pictures or photos to the official Website of Expo 2010 () or , , , , and .

Online voting and expert assessment will choose the winners who will receive travel money, Expo tickets and souvenirs. Some of the entries will be displayed at Expo Shanghai Online.
