


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Rack of clothes
A rack of clothes means the clothing is hung up, making it easier to transport and display. Where are the racks of clothes? What kind of clothes are they?
This week's topic: They looked through the rack of clothes... (90-110 words)

1) shopping through the rack of clothes
2) moving to a new apartment and unpack by hanging up the clothes on the rack
3) going through the rack of clothes and deciding which ones to donate
4) getting changed behind the rack of clothes
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


In fact, compared to last time how he almost got run over by a rack of clothes, today was really tame with only few people walking around. When he stated that he was from the newspaper office from upstairs and he had the document to give to the intern, waving his prop as he said so, the receptionist let Wolfe pass through without further question. He kept an eye out for the intern as he proceeded to the studio, but of course, he had his eyes on getting to the model as soon as possible.
