Many people turn to their horoscope for advice on their love life.

Now, one astrologer claims a person's star sign can influence which diet will work best for them.

From warning Taureans to avoid sugar to encouraging Libras to eat more potassium, Gillian Knowles, astrologer for , explains how the stars can guide a slimmer to success.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

If you were born under the sign of the ram, you can be impulsive, enjoy starting new projects and are capable of pushing yourself to the limits.

This means you are likely to start a new eating regimen without too much planning.

Rather than saying ‘I can’t face that’, you prefer to say ‘I can’.

Naturally, you expect results quite quickly and may lose interest unless the benefits become apparent.

A good idea would be to go into competition with someone else, as the urge to win might spur you on to do your very best.

Tip: Focus on proteins rather than carbohydrates. The part of the body relating to Aries is the brain - and amino acids from protein feed the brain.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

There’s no getting away from the fact that Taureans love to eat, so starvation diets could make you feel deprived and pretty miserable.

I suggest that you keep the diet full of tasty but healthy food and lay the table creatively so that it looks good when you sit down to eat.

Remind yourself that a healthy diet can give you as much pleasure as a rich one (if you could find a space to grow some home-grown salad or veggies that would be even better).

Once you get started your famous tenacity and perseverance will surface and you will not give easily.

Tip: Avoid sugar and over-rich foods, as Taureans are prone to weight problems.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Being born under the sign of the twins means that you like to do at least two things at once, so a diet combined with an exercise programme would be ideal for you.

As you are generally active and on the go, you are likely to burn off calories pretty quickly.

Your main challenges are to stick to the diet you have chosen rather than flitting off to try a different one after a couple of days.

You also need to allow yourself enough time to sit down and eat a balanced meal, rather than eating standing up because you are in a hurry.

Beware of the temptation to talk about your new regime rather than actually doing it!

Tip: Avoid fast-foods. The part of the body relating to Gemini is the hands and nervous system.

Geminis must take time to eat nutritious food in a relaxed way, to help to balance their nerves.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

No-one comfort eats quite like a crab. This is the sign of the nurturer and of course food and nutrition are all part of being nourished and cared for.

You are likely to use food to help you to deal with painful emotions and so the attitude you take towards a diet is important.

Think of planning a new health regime as being a way to love and nurture yourself, rather than as a deprivation.

There may be a temptation to have a secret little store of non-diet goodies to dip into - but you know that would not be taking your real needs into consideration.

Tip: Avoid unhealthy food you ate in childhood.

The parts of the body relating to Cancerians are the breasts and stomach.

These people need to avoid the urge to comfort eat to suppress emotions and to avoid digestive disorders.

LEO (July 23-August 22)

It’s important for Leos to feel good about themselves - and diet is best seen as a way of achieving this.

Your spontaneity and confidence enable you to adopt a new healthy eating plan brimming with ideas and enthusiasm and your strength of character helps you to stick to the regime.

You thrive on appreciation and acclaim and so get your biggest fan to give you positive feedback on how well you are doing and how much better you look.

Ignore anyone who makes fun of your efforts or criticises your abstinence.

Tip: Replace carb-loaded sauces with light marinades.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

Making lists is something Virgoans are very good at as you are practical and methodical in your approach.

Your diet is very important to you at all times but if you are embarking on a special dietary regime, keep a food journal, plan everything you are intending to eat by listing its nutritional value and benefits to your health.

The ‘quickie get results in a week’ type of diet is not for you as you are discerning and want to reach beyond easy solutions.

You also have an innate awareness of the connection between your mind and your body.

The difficulty for you will be your tendency to try to do everything perfectly.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up.

Tip: Go organic to avoid allergies. Virgo rules the skin, which is often prone to allergies, and so these people need to avoid additives or pesticides in their food.