

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Leaf through pages
To leaf through pages means to go through many pages quickly. Who is leafing through the pages? What is the reading material? What information is the person looking for?
This week's topic: They leafed through the pages... (90-110 words)

1) looking through books in a library or bookstore
2) looking up a word in the dictionary
3) looking for a particular formula in a textbook
4) the drawings on the side of the pages create an animation
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Doug placed the notebook back where he found it. Then, his eyes caught sight of a bag he recognized, this time not as bulky as he last saw it. Inside was a day planner. Something fell out as Doug leafed through the pages. Oops! He picked up the launch event ticket and smiled. Only one ticket? Already found someone to go with you, ah? Doug put the ticket back to the page of the date of the launch event. This would be the most logical place to put the ticket. Hahaha, he even drew a little strawberry on that date, how cute!
