

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Close the door
Why does the door close? Who closes it? What event is happening which requires the closing of the door?
This week's topic: They closed the door... (90-110 words)

1) a meeting or interview is going to start
2) a thief sneaked into an empty apartment
3) going into a room to get changed
4) too much noise outside
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


He closed his tired eyes for a while, then checked the time. Everyone in the office should be gone by now, he thought. He got up and walked around the quiet office. Just as he expected, there was nobody in sight in the neuroscience department. He then peered into the main hallway. Complete stillness. He quickly scrambled down the hallway towards the chemistry department. Right after the keypad on the door gave access, he heard noise echoing down the hall. It was too late to turn back. He entered the office and quietly closed the door.
