
O, Canada! You guys do it right. To top off the last round of LaBatt, Canadians stop in for some poutine—a bowl of thick-cut french fries, with chunks of Canadian cheese curd, smothered in a savory gravy with fresh pepper corns.


In the wild west days, hungover cowboys drank a "tea" made of rabbit droppings. Just take the pellets and steep them in hot water. Rabbit shit tea.


So, according to Irish legend, the best way to cure a hangover is to get buried up to your neck in wet river sand. Ireland is not a warm country, so the wet river sand should be rather chilly. This could have the same effect as a cold shower. It'll wake you up and get the blood pumping, but there's not much medical evidence that it cures a headache and nausea.


Belly full of Bitburger? Time for katerfrühstück , or "hangover breakfast." Get ready for a plate of rollmops—raw, pickled herring wrapped around pieces of gherkin and onion. On an empty stomach.


After too much sake in one of Tokyo's little nomiya bars, Japanese drinkers eat umeboshi, a pickled, dried ume, which is similar to a plum or apricot. It's not just a little pickled, though. It's really, REALLY pickled, to the point of puckering. Some steep it in green tea and then drink the thing to make it less concentrated, but it's still horrifically sour.


The morning after a rager, Namibians drink Buffalo Milk. Guess what it doesn't have in it? Buffalo milk. It's just clotted cream (from cows), dark rum, spiced rum, cream liqueur, and whole cream.

Puerto Rico

Supposedly, drinkers in Puerto Rico have figured out how to prevent a hangover. Before an evening of indulgence, they rub a slice of lemon (or lime) into the armpit of their drinking arm. You read that right. It supposedly prevents dehydration.