蝎子座 10.23-11.21

During the first couple days of the week you need to make absolute sure the things you say & do can be backed up by rock solid facts & figures. If you make a claim or a statement, you better be able to "back it up"... You can also expect others to challenge your ideas & opinions too. This can be an eye-opening time & lead you towards new discoveries or lead you in new directions. Career advancement/changes become likely too. Early Wednesday the energy is going to shift & depend totally on your ability to get along, compromise & join forces with others. What might be impossible for one person to do can be a piece of cake for two or three... That's what this energy is all about... It's there to create solid working relationships with others... It'll also work to intensify existing ones too... (especially romantic ones)... Just be sure you honor your agreements or commitments made to others.


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