2012-06-27 16:59
exhibit of lanterns
lantern show
- More lamps will lighten the gloomy room.
多點幾盞燈會照亮那間陰暗的房間。 - Will this lamp light up if I connect the battery?
如果我把電池接上,這燈會亮嗎? - This light tells you if the machine is on or off.
v. 顯示,呈現;展出;開展會;證明
n. 展覽(會);展覽品;證據
- The exhibition exhibits articles made by children in school
展覽會展出了小學生的制作品。 - He was determined to helm the exhibition.
他決定負責此次展覽會的領導工作。 - To view or exhibit in advance.
n. 燈籠,提燈;燈室;燈籠式天窗;燈罩
- This is a chinese lantern.
這是中國的燈籠。 - was punished to walk the earth forever with a lantern.
上帝懲罰他,讓他不停地走,只有一個燈籠陪伴著他。 - I'm making a paper lantern for my nephew.
n. 燈籠,提燈;燈室;燈籠式天窗;燈罩
- This is a chinese lantern.
這是中國的燈籠。 - was punished to walk the earth forever with a lantern.
上帝懲罰他,讓他不停地走,只有一個燈籠陪伴著他。 - I'm making a paper lantern for my nephew.