Commuters and railway staff teamed up to free a man by rocking a train carriage to free his leg after he became trapped between the platform and a carriage on Wednesday morning.

The man was boarding a rush hour train at Stirling station, northwest of Perth, Western Australia, at 8.50am when he slipped and one leg became wedged in the gap.

Quick-thinking passengers and staff saved the man's leg, as it was being squeezed by the 90-tonne of train, by collectively rocking the carriage.

An ambulance was called to the station but the man did not sustain any serious injuries.

Nicolas Taylor said that he and fellow passengers got off the train and worked together to free the man by pushing against the carriage away from the platform.

Mr Taylor said staff coordinated the incident well, taking about 10 minutes to free him.

'They did a really good job, they took control and handled it well. When I first saw it I thought we’d be there for hours.' he said.

'He seemed to be a bit sheepish, because right where he fell was the ‘mind the gap’ writing,' he said.