Prime opportunities

If you're lucky to have a job, there are definite times when you should hold off from searching for a new one. But sometimes making a change makes sense. If you identify with any of these 10 scenarios, it might be time to plan your exit.

More than 10 years

You've been with your employer for more than 10 years.

If during your extended tenure you've held four different positions and continue to enjoy your work, then maybe you can ignore this one. But if you're clocking in to what is now a "Groundhog's Day" existence, you definitely need to explore your options. A change in work environments will keep your skills nimble.

Good at your job

You're really good at your job.

This could be because you've stayed too long, or it could be that you were overqualified to begin with. Either way, if you never make a misstep then you're not being challenged properly. To stay relevant you have to keep learning and trying new things.

Bad at your job

You're really bad at your job.

Did you see this one coming after the last slide? Hiring is trial and error, and sometimes your skills are askew of the job's requirements. Honestly assess why this could be – maybe you haven't had the necessary experience to excel in the job, or maybe you're not invested in the work because you're in the wrong career. Depending on what you determine, the smartest choice could be to look for work elsewhere.

Your colleagues

You don't get along with your colleagues.

You might spend more hours with co-workers than with loved ones, so hopefully they don't make your skin crawl. Not finding at least one kindred spirit at your workplace is a smoke signal that you're not a good culture fit.

Completing a big project.

After completing a successful big project.

If you're fresh off a win, you'll hopefully have two things working for you. One, the crash and lull that comes after a busy season should free up time to network, apply for jobs and interview. Two, you'll have recent metrics of your performance that you can add to your résumé and discuss with potential employers.
