



The difference is that Western-style decision-making proceeds mostly from top management and often does not consult middle management or the worker while in Japan, ideas can be created at the lowest levels, travel upward through an organization and have an impact on the eventual decision. This is "bottom up". There is also a characteristic style of communication in Japan that is different from the Western way. The Japanese business person works to achieve harmony, even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time is necessary to determine a "you to you" approach, communicating personal views only indirectly and delicately.
差別在于,西方式的決策多半源自高層管理人員,通常不征求中層管理人員或員工的意見;而在日本,最底層的人員也能提出想法,然后通過組織上傳,對最后的決策產(chǎn)生影響。此謂“由下而上”。 日本特有的交流方式也與西方的不同。 即使生意沒做成,日本商人也力求和睦相處,愿意花費必要的時間來確立“你對你”的交流方式,僅僅間接而巧妙地表達個人意見。