- Hi. I'm Mary. - I'm Caroline. Hi. I'm Mary. It's cool. We don't need to talk. That's Max. She's kind of a Grinch about Christmas. Oh, like my brother Patrick-- He's always teasing me about loving Christmas. He calls me "Mary Christmas." Get it? It's 'cause my name is Mary. I can't help it. It's my favorite time of year. - Mine too. - Yo. Disconnect before it's too late. Don't be so cynical. Especially Christmas eve. It's an O'Brien family tradition. All seven of my sisters and brothers-- we line up on the staircase in our brand-new Christmas PJs and have our picture taken. Bitch is 30.
-你好 我叫瑪麗 -我叫卡洛琳 你好 我叫瑪麗 沒關系 無須假客套 她是麥克斯 她挺討厭圣誕節(jié) 就像我哥哥派翠克 他總是恥笑我對圣誕節(jié)的熱愛 他總是稱我為"圣誕瑪麗" 懂嗎 因為我的名字叫瑪麗 我就是無法控制 這是我一年中最愛的時期 -我也是 -喂 現在斬斷還來得及 別這么憤世嫉俗嘛 尤其在平安夜 這是我們奧勃良家族的傳統 我們七兄妹齊聚一堂 我們穿著全新的圣誕睡衣 在樓梯那站成一排 然后合影留念 那賤人三十歲了