【美少女的謊言】S03E23(9)I'm Your Puppet
2014-03-05 04:00
<聽寫方式: 填寫缺失的部分,不用帶數(shù)字序號>
S: How many times did she visit her?
W: What is that?
S: Mona kept souvenirs. How many times did Cece visit her?
W: I wouldn't know.
S: Yes, you would, Wren. 1 ?
W: 2 ? Mona was under restriction at that time, no visitors.
S: And you broke the rules for her because...?
W: Cece called me and was desperate to see her. 3 ?
S: Help her with what?
W: Recover from the psychic wounds inflicted by your late friend, Alison.
S: You sure it wasn't the other way around?
W: Quite sure. Alison pulled some stunt at a frat party that got Cece kicked out of university.
S: Ali got Cece kicked out of school?
W: Yeah, Cece came out the other side. 4 ? And I agreed.
S: How did she even know that Mona was even in here?
W: Melissa called her.
You authorized it.
And I was almost suspended for it.
She thought she could help her.
And she thought she could serve as a role model for Mona.