


Kappa Taus



Maybe we should call him, Cap. I'm over here, dude. Maybe we should turn up the toll. No, you can't give up. Isn't this game bigger than both of us? Isn't this about good VS. Evan? He's right. You may not be feeling well. Some of you are even still drunk. But I see before me a team of Kappa Taus, playing in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free man you are. Will you fight? Aye, fight and you may die, run and you may live. At least a while. It hurts real bad, Cap.
密碼:sos 或許咱倆該打給他,Cap。 我在這呢,哥們。不如咱們叫停吧。 不行,你不能放棄啊。這場比賽不是比咱倆都重要么?不是給他們點顏色看看么?不是正義和Evan之戰(zhàn)么? 他說得沒錯。大家或許身體不適。甚至還有人宿醉著呢。但是在我們面前的卡帕頭兄弟,為抵制暴政而戰(zhàn)。你們也應(yīng)該像男人一樣去戰(zhàn),英勇無畏的男人。要戰(zhàn)斗么?抑或戰(zhàn)死沙場,抑或茍且偷生想一時的清靜。 但是真的挺疼的,Cap。