【犯罪心理】S02E18(1) 墻上的字到底代表什么?
a thousand(注意不要寫數(shù)字)
It'd be pretty easy to hide out in one of these alcoves, wait for the victim without ever being seen.
Yeah, all 4 murders occurred within a 10-Block radius here inside the French quarter.
On any given night, there'd have to be thousands of people walking through here from the bars.
Tens of thousands. 1______________________.
It's like 2__________________.
Every Sunday I'd get off work around sunrise,
I'm ready to pass out, My daddy'd be waiting for me at my house.
Make me drive him uptown to Frankie and Johnny's for poorboys.
Called it communing with New Orleans.
Did your father tell you anything else about this case that we should know ?
He tried to. But you guys should see that for yourself.
There's no doubt he's still working from the grave.
"Jones." That name mean anything to you ?
No. I ran it through the database against every offender in New Orleans.
And you can imagine how many hits I got.
But nothing came up in connection with this case.
But in your dad's final moments, it was the most important thing he wanted to say.
All it's gonna be now is the word "Jones" carved into that wall.
Detective, if he had written the unsub's name, I think you would have found him by now.
Jones is the one piece of the puzzle that your daddy did know.
He trusted you to figure out the rest.
Yeah, I know it.
But 5_______________________.
I can't get it out of my head. 6__________________
You ok?
Yeah. I just don't want to disappoint him.