

Last week, we’ve reviewed some familiar products which are gradually fading away from our life, such as Kodak film, feature phones, man-powered bike and radio. Someone said that this is a normal phase-out process for these products because the creative and human beings are relentlessly inventing more fashionable gadgets to replace outdated ones.

However, when you carefully read our life, you may notice that some vintage things stubbornly survive and resist the erosion of those glittering advanced technology. There are irreplaceable carrier of our time, our emotion and our idea – analog?clock, vinyl?recordand pen respectively.


- Why these three things are still here without discarded by us?

- Are there other things bravely resist the attack of the advanced technologies?

- DIY topic about irreplaceable things.


The vinyl record has a longer history than my life. When I was a child, I was told the cassette will replace the vinyl record. But it didn’t. Later, when I was teenager, I thought the hand-set CD player would sweep both vinyl record and cassette into the dustbin. Surprisingly, it didn’t too. Lastly, when I was in college, it seems that mp3 player would like to eat them all together. Unfortunately, like its predecessor, mp3 player haven’t fulfilled his mission too.
In the digital age, the vinyl record has seen a revival with music hardcore fans who collect or buy vinyl for the coolness factor, nostalgia or just because I love it blindly. To me, the chief strength of vinyl is the flip side of its chief weakness - you can not take it away. Every other music format can be listened portably, but vinyl record can’t. Similarly, there are always some immovable memories in our heart. They’re just laid at there silently, untouchably but unforgettably. Sometimes, when we are fatigued about the hustle and bustle society, listen to the vinyl record in a fixed place could make you peaceful.

