Unit 6 Great man II- Passage (2/5)




Adolf Hitler



One can only guess that if he heard many of them he was only strengthened in his determination not to allow himself or bride to be made a spectacle - not their lives or their bodies. Shortly after receiving the news of Mussolini's death, Hitler began to make the final preparations for his. He had his favorite Alsatian dog poisoned and two other dogs shot. Then he called in his two remaining women secretaries and handed them capsules of poison to use if they wished to when the advancing Russians broke in. He was sorry, he said, not to be able to give them a better farewell gift, and he expressed his appreciation for their long and loyal service. Evening had now come, the last of Adolf Hitler's life. He instructed Mrs. Junge, one of his secretaries, to destroy the remaining papers in his files, and he sent out order that no one in the shelter was to go to bed until further orders.