

Noticing her diary on a table beside the bed, he picked it up and began to read it. Suddenly he seemed shocked. He saw it. There, on one page, she had written a single line. "Yesterday he spent an hour with me and it was like heaven. I love him so." Something dawned on him that he had not noticed before. He had been too busy to notice that he meant so much to her. He thought of all the times he had gone about his work without thinking about and noticing her. Then Carlyle turned the page in the diary. There he noticed she had written some words that broke his heart. "I have listened all day to hear his steps in the hall, but now it is late and I guess he won't come today." Carlyle read a little more in the book.
他看到簡的一本日記在床頭桌上放著,便順手拿起來看。他震驚了,他看到她這樣寫道:“昨天他陪了我一個小時,我感受到了天堂般的幸福,我真喜歡他總這樣?!?   他意識到自己忽略了很多。一直以來他都把精力投入到工作中,對妻子那么需要自己竟全然不知,幾句令他心碎的話映入眼簾,“我一整天都在傾聽,期望大廳能傳來他的腳步聲,但是現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)很晚了,我想今天他不會來了?!?   卡萊爾又讀了一會兒。